
Near Pleasant Lake in Casco, Baker’s Dozen a Dessert Lover’s Delight
August 2, 2009
Near Pleasant Lake in Casco, Baker’s Dozen a Dessert Lover’s Delight

Near Pleasant Lake in Casco, Baker’s Dozen a Dessert Lover’s Delight

Sometimes big things come in small packages in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine. Such is the case with Baker’s Dozen at 2 Lord Road in Casco, across from Pleasant Lake. Two years ago, after retiring from a career in food service, Eunice Long opened Baker’s […]
July 31, 2009
Maine Tourists Flock to Drive-In Theaters in the Sebago Lakes Region

Maine Tourists Flock to Drive-In Theaters in the Sebago Lakes Region

Drive-In theaters and Maine summer vacations go hand-in-hand, especially in the Western Maine Lakes and Mountains Region. We are lucky enough to have not one, but two drive-in movie theaters. As a kid, I remember going to the drive-in in our family station wagon. We always […]
July 29, 2009
Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region, July 31 to August 5

Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region, July 31 to August 5

Water is the place to be in the Sebago Lakes Region as summer finally kicks into place. The weather looks great for all the outdoor activities planned for this weekend. There is so much going on, but a few water events include the 18th Annual Highland […]
July 28, 2009
The Romance of the Covered Bridge Found at Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine

The Romance of the Covered Bridge Found at Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine

Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg is Maine’s Oldest Remaining Covered Bridge photo and text by Leigh Macmillen Hayes If you own lakefront property in the Sebago Lakes Region, then you are probably familiar with Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine, a covered bridge. Spanning the old course of […]
July 26, 2009
16th Annual Antique Wooden Boat Show at Long Lake in Naples, Maine

16th Annual Antique Wooden Boat Show at Long Lake in Naples, Maine

This week Sebago Lake, Brandy Pond and Long Lake in the western Maine Lakes Region will glisten with beautiful antique watercraft, including many woodies, as the Mountainview Woodies Classic Boat Club holds its 16th Annual Antique and Classic Boat Show on the Causeway in Naples on […]
July 24, 2009
The Sebago Lake Region Offers Plenty of Fine Fishing for the Summer Vacationer

The Sebago Lake Region Offers Plenty of Fine Fishing for the Summer Vacationer

If it’s fish you seek, like the lake trout above, the Sebago Lakes Region will get you hooked. Sebago Lake is the original home of the Land-locked Salmon. Lake Trout and Bass are also plentiful. Boat launches: Nasons Beach, Route 114; Raymond Beach, Route 302 Trickey […]
July 23, 2009
This Week Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region

This Week Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region

July 23-25, Casco Days, sponsored by the Casco Fire Association; a full weekend of activities and events held at Casco Days Park in Casco Village. FMI: July 23, 2 & 4 p.m., Tomato Plant Girl, “a play about friendship and holding one’s own,” $8, reservations […]
July 21, 2009
Main Street, Bridgton, Maine – Antique Capital of Our World

Main Street, Bridgton, Maine – Antique Capital of Our World

Do you like to decorate your lakefront cottage with antiques and accessories? Then Main Street in Bridgton is just the place for you. From Hidden Brook Antiques at 184 North High Street (Route 302) all the way down Main Hill and through town to Flowerbed Antiques […]
July 20, 2009
Ebenezer’s Pub in Lovell, Maine – Where Kezar Lakers Go For Beer and Hospitality

Ebenezer’s Pub in Lovell, Maine – Where Kezar Lakers Go For Beer and Hospitality

Rated #1 Beer Bar in America and the world for the last three years by Beer Advocate Magazine, Ebenezer’s Pub located just a few minutes from Kezar Lake in Lovell, is a hidden gem. During the recent rains, we had family visiting. Since barbecuing was out […]