Sebago Lakes Region

Harrison, Maine Vacationers Get Their Fresh Produce at Frosty Hollow Farm
August 16, 2009
Harrison, Maine Vacationers Get Their Fresh Produce at Frosty Hollow Farm

Harrison, Maine Vacationers Get Their Fresh Produce at Frosty Hollow Farm

If you’re on vacation in Harrison, Maine, perhaps staying at a nice lakeside cottage or cabin, there’s no better compliment to that two pound lobster or burger on the grill than a nice ear of corn or grilled vegetable mix made from the fresh produce available […]
August 15, 2009
A Treasure in the Oxford Hills – Frost Farm Gallery, Just a Short Drive from Lake Pennesseewassee

A Treasure in the Oxford Hills – Frost Farm Gallery, Just a Short Drive from Lake Pennesseewassee

Traveling the back roads of the Oxford Hills area to search for lakefront properties around Sand Pond and Lake Pennesseewassee one discovers many treasures. One such treasure is tucked away on Pikes Hill in Norway, just up the road from Lake Penneesseewassee – Frost Farm Gallery. […]
August 12, 2009
Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine August 13 to 19

Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine August 13 to 19

Deertrees Theatre in Harrison August 14, 10 a.m. Natural Community Hike at Pleasant Mountain, an introduction to the Ironwood-Oak-Ash woodland communtiy, sponsored by Loon Echo Land Trust, meet at the Ledges Trail trailhead, Mountain Road, Denmark. FMI: 207.647.4352 or August 14, 1:30-5:30 p.m. Harrison Farmers’ […]
August 11, 2009
Maine Lakefront Property Buyers Drawn to the Tranquility of Peabody Pond

Maine Lakefront Property Buyers Drawn to the Tranquility of Peabody Pond

Paddling on Peabody Pond, located half-way between Portland, Maine and North Conway, New Hampshire, is the perfect way to pass a summer day. This 735-acre pond has some cabins and cottages, plus Camp Micah, along its shoreline, but it is more secluded than most. Recently Peter […]
August 9, 2009
Mayberry Hill Preserve a Gentle Hike and Close By Pleasant Lake in Casco

Mayberry Hill Preserve a Gentle Hike and Close By Pleasant Lake in Casco

Need a break from shopping for the perfect lakefront property near Pleasant Lake in Casco? Then visit Mayberry Hill Preserve, a gem in the western Maine Lakes and Mountains Region. Jon Evans, Stewardship and Volunteer Coordinator for Loon Echo Land Trust says of the Preserve, “The […]
August 7, 2009
Maine Lakefront Vacationers Travel the World at Mexicali Blues

Maine Lakefront Vacationers Travel the World at Mexicali Blues

Step inside Mexicali Blues, just up the street from Sebago Lake and the Raymond boat launch, and you’ll feel the commitment to make the world a brighter place. Peter and Kimberly Erskine opened Mexicali Blues, a shop committed to responsibly importing goods, at 1338 Roosevelt Trail, […]
August 6, 2009
Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region, August 6 to 12

Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region, August 6 to 12

Sebago Lake Schoolhouse Historic House Tours Several historic homes in the Sebago Lakes Region are open on a regular basis, such as Nathaniel Hawthorne’s home in Raymond and Narramissic, the Peabody-Fitch homestead in South Bridgton. I find it interesting to examine the ambitions and struggles of […]
August 4, 2009
By Car or By Boat – It’s the Village Tie-Up on Long Lake in Harrison, Maine

By Car or By Boat – It’s the Village Tie-Up on Long Lake in Harrison, Maine

Imagine giving up your job to live, work and play on the lakefront of Long Lake in Harrison. Working for years in sales and marketing in the corporate world took a toll on Kristen and Shawn Walker. Because they both traveled a lot for business, they […]
August 3, 2009
Lake Region Shopper’s Alert: My Sister’s Garage in Naples, Maine

Lake Region Shopper’s Alert: My Sister’s Garage in Naples, Maine

Shabby chic furniture to decorate your lakefront property is available at the charming My Sister’s Garage Antique Shop at 1328 Roosevelt Trail (Route 302) in Naples. Sisters Sarah and Jen Tringali first opened the shop three years ago because “we like everything retro,” explains Sarah. “We […]