
Katahdin Stands Guard Over Beautiful Maine Waterfront Property
May 14, 2008
Katahdin Stands Guard Over Beautiful Maine Waterfront Property

Katahdin Stands Guard Over Beautiful Maine Waterfront Property

 An exciting wilderness adventure awaits anyone who visits this area no matter the time of year. The Katahdin Region offers a fantastic family experience whether its for the wildlife and wilderness enthusiast or the sporting adventurer. There are miles and miles of terrain to be explored […]
May 12, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Jetski Update

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Jetski Update

In a blog post on April 14 I questioned the timing of a legal action taken by a jetski owner who was challenging the state’s right to prohibit jetskis on a particular lake. At that time I said that he was kicking a sleeping dog that […]
May 8, 2008
Maine Waterfront Property – Land Prices Reflect Quality of Water They’re On

Maine Waterfront Property – Land Prices Reflect Quality of Water They’re On

I had a customer recently who inquired about a waterfront land listing on the west shore of Kezar Lake in Lovell. This property is 1.96 acres with 438 feet of shore frontage and lists for $625,000. After I sent him the listing information he sent me […]
May 6, 2008
Bangor is Central to Central Maine Waterfront Property

Bangor is Central to Central Maine Waterfront Property

The Bangor Region is centrally located – and some would say, ideally located – in the state of Maine as it serves as the gateway to the Katahdin/Baxter State Park area to the north and the Bar Harbor/Acadia National Park to the south. The area is […]
May 4, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Building Your Lakefront Dreamhouse? Think Resale!

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Building Your Lakefront Dreamhouse? Think Resale!

As a listing agent I often ask myself “What were the sellers thinking when they built this house?” Often times bright, sharp and savvy people will build a home to their individual tastes and singular specifications never thinking that someday they might want to sell. Now, […]
May 2, 2008
For Waterfront Property Buyers – Now’s The Time

For Waterfront Property Buyers – Now’s The Time

In the aftermath of a long, snowy winter where the evening news was filled with stories about mortgage meltdowns, rising oil prices, recession, inflation, a long presidential campaign, and a longer war, it’s no wonder we all feel a little worn out. But I’ve been reading […]
April 29, 2008
The Downeast Region – Waterfront Property By Sea and By Lake

The Downeast Region – Waterfront Property By Sea and By Lake

If you seek the quintessential Maine coast experience, this area of Maine – from Stonington and Castine, through Blue Hill, Acadia and Bar Harbor, Ellsworth, and on up the coast and inland to Schoodic Point, Cherryfield, Milbridge, and Columbia Falls – offers visitors and locals alike […]
April 27, 2008
Engineers, Nonresidents Fuel Naples Lakefront Bridge Controversy

Engineers, Nonresidents Fuel Naples Lakefront Bridge Controversy

Controversy continues to surround the fate of the Naples causeway bridge project as the date nears for a local, non-binding referendum vote on the bridge options May 20th. Two items in the local newspaper point out the difficulties in deciding this question. The first describes the […]
April 25, 2008
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Is There a Condo in Your Future?

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Is There a Condo in Your Future?

Now, I know what you’re thinking. When it comes to lakefront living, the thought of a condo leaves many lakefront buyers cold. That’s because in their mind’s eye they see a concrete tower brimming with boxy units filled with indoor/outdoor carpeting, formica counters, vinyl sheet tile, […]