
May 2, 2008

For Waterfront Property Buyers – Now’s The Time

In the aftermath of a long, snowy winter where the evening news was filled with stories about mortgage meltdowns, rising oil prices, recession, inflation, a long presidential campaign, and a longer war, it’s no wonder we all feel a little worn out. But I’ve been reading […]
April 29, 2008

The Downeast Region – Waterfront Property By Sea and By Lake

If you seek the quintessential Maine coast experience, this area of Maine – from Stonington and Castine, through Blue Hill, Acadia and Bar Harbor, Ellsworth, and on up the coast and inland to Schoodic Point, Cherryfield, Milbridge, and Columbia Falls – offers visitors and locals alike […]
April 27, 2008

Engineers, Nonresidents Fuel Naples Lakefront Bridge Controversy

Controversy continues to surround the fate of the Naples causeway bridge project as the date nears for a local, non-binding referendum vote on the bridge options May 20th. Two items in the local newspaper point out the difficulties in deciding this question. The first describes the […]
April 25, 2008

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Is There a Condo in Your Future?

Now, I know what you’re thinking. When it comes to lakefront living, the thought of a condo leaves many lakefront buyers cold. That’s because in their mind’s eye they see a concrete tower brimming with boxy units filled with indoor/outdoor carpeting, formica counters, vinyl sheet tile, […]
April 23, 2008

Maine Waterfront Property – Embden Area Offers Beauty, Serenity

Fall Colors Reflect Brilliantly on the Water in the Embden Region The Embden Lakes Region is located north of the Belgrade Lakes and south of Moosehead, about 4 1/2 hours from Boston. This sparsely populated area is dotted with small lakes and ponds and offers lakefront […]
April 21, 2008

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Finding It Your Way, Phase Two

A couple of weeks ago we announced several upgrades to the search capabilities found on our website. Today we bring another fantastic feature. Starting today, when you do a search for properties on our website,, once you get the search results, you will see a […]
April 17, 2008

Maine Waterfront Property – Meet the C.E.O.

So, you’re reading this headline and thinking, “Meet the CEO – the Chief Executive Officer – of Maine Waterfront Property?!” “Huh?” “What are they talking about?!” Well, to most of the world a CEO is a chief executive officer – the person at the head of […]
April 14, 2008

Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Jetskis, the New Controversy

When it comes to Jetskis, or “personal watercraft ” as the manufacturers like to call them, ninety percent of lakefront homeowner opinions I’ve heard fall into two extreme positions. Extreme Position #1: OUTLAW THEM COMPLETELY – Many believe that unlike powerboats, which are designed to take […]
April 12, 2008

Maine Waterfront Real Estate – Choosing the “Sow’s Ear”

Most folks have only so much money to spend on a lakefront property. After conferring with a reputable mortgage broker, lakefront buyers have a pretty good idea of what they can afford to spend . (Need the name of a good mortgage broker? Let us know.) […]