Settle Your Soul at Lakefront Property on Upper Patten Pond in Ellsworth, Maine

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Settle Your Soul at Lakefront Property on Upper Patten Pond in Ellsworth, Maine

Settle Your Soul at Lakefront Property on Upper Patten Pond in Ellsworth, Maine
Settle Your Soul at Lakefront Property on Upper Patten Pond in Ellsworth, Maine

Morning Has Broken on Upper Patten Pond in Maine

Upper Patten Pond in Ellsworth and Surry, Maine, is a picturesque pond surrounded by a lush forest of soft and hardwoods. In this beautiful setting, you’ll experience peace and quiet.

Covering 338 acres, Upper Patten Pond has a maximum depth of 32 feet and a mean depth of 13 feet. There are no known invasives. The warmwater fishery includes white perch and yellow perch. The Surry Alewives Committee is working to restore the alewife run on Patten Stream, which feeds into the pond.
The pond is located between Routes 1 and 3 on the Ellsworth/Surry line. There’s no public boat launch and therefore, little to no boat traffic. As you paddle around the coves and inlets, you’ll experience the serenity of this place. And possibly see eagles, osprey, ducks, loons and turtles.
And yet, Ellsworth and all its amenities, is located just minutes away. As the gateway to Mount Desert Island, Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park, there’s plenty to see and do in the area. Did you know that Ellsworth is the largest city in Maine? When you consider its land mass, that is! Ellsworth encompasses 93.8 square miles. It was named for Oliver Ellsworth, a delegate to the 1787 Constitutional Convention.
On the quieter side is Surry, a small town with a population of less than 1,500. According to Te Names of Maine, the town fathers wanted a short name, and so it was named for Surrey, England, but the “e” was dropped to shorten it further. Surry has had a long tradition of being a boat building town.
Since we’re on the subject of names, Upper Patten Pond was named for an early settler, John Patten.
Get away to Upper Patten Pond and escape from the craziness of life. Own a classic Maine cabin, camp or cottage by the water and you’ll have a great vacation destination. As you sit in front of your computer reading this, transport yourself–coffee on the deck of your lake house, a day spent fishing, paddle boarding and swimming, a nap in the hammock under the white pines, dinner cooked on the grill, and adventures shared around the campfire. Can’t you just taste the s’mores?
The peace and serenity of this pond are not something you come across every day. Settle your soul. Purchase lakefront property on Upper Patten Pond.
To learn more about lakefront properties for sale in Ellsworth, click on the green box above.
To learn more about the area, check out the blog links below.
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