Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 4-11

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Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 4-11
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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 4-11

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 4-11
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 4-11

“Dear Edwina,” University of Southern Maine, Gorham

Mar. 5-8, Thursday-Saturday, 7pm, “Dear Edwina,” a collaboration between the Department of Theatre and the School of Music, by Zina Goldrich and Marcy Heisler, directed by Joyce A. Presutti and musical direction by Edward Reichert. Thirteen-year-old Edwina Spoonapple would do just about anything to be a part of the Kalamazoo Advice-a-Palooza Festival. When a talent scout from the festival visits her hometown, she trots out her musical advice, presenting shows live from the family garage in hopes of finding her place in the spotlight. Assisted by her older siblings, quirky friends and friendly neighbors, Edwina sets out to tackle the world’s problems in number after hysterical number. This heartwarming musical for all ages celebrates the joys of growing up and singing your own song, $10-$22, University of Southern Maine, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: usm.maine.edu/theatre.

Mar. 5, Thursday, 7pm, “Fryeburg Academy Theater Presents: Last Tuesday,” Fryeburg Academy Theater presents their 2020 One Act Festival play, Last Tuesday. The people in Donald Margulies’ play are strangers on a train, but not to us. They are familiar figures on a Metro-North train going from Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan to New Haven—a man talking too loudly on his cellphone, a woman isolated with her Discman, another silently reading the Times, a couple coordinating their weekend’s activities. In the triviality of their lives, they are us. But something unexpected happens that jolts the audience, breaking it from the trance-like state of listening to mundane prattle to being stunned by the shock of a fantastical force. In an instant, the short work becomes something else. Admission is free, but donations will be gratefully accepted, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, 18 Bradley Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-9232, fryeburgacademy.org.

Mar. 6, Friday, 5:30pm, “What’s so Classical about Classical Guitar,” master class with Tim Pence, Maine-based guitarist Tim Pence will give a lecture recital titled, “What’s So Classical About Classical Guitar.” His lecture will examine the history of “classical” guitar music through the lenses of three composers: Mauro Giuliani, Dionisio Aguado and Fernando Sor. The presentation poses and answers verbally and through performances questions including: what really is a classical guitar anyway? What does guitar music of the classical era sound like? What does it mean to call oneself a classical guitarist? Do classical guitarists even play classical music? The presentation is a balanced combination of spoken information and performance – many musical examples from the classical era are performed on classical guitar. Come listen to and learn about guitar music of the actual classical era, free and open to the public, USM, Corthell Concert Hall, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5646, usm.maine.edu.

Mar. 7, Saturday, 8:30am-1pm, “Hooked on Fishing Kids’ Derby at Range Pond State Park,” this introduction to ice fishing, especially organized for children not familiar with and desiring to experience the basics of ice fishing is brought to you by the Kittery Trading Post and Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. There is no pre-registration for the kids, but please print out the release form located on the event webpage, fill it out and bring it with you the day of the event or pick one up at the event. The first 250 children ages 12 and under arriving before 11 AM will receive a free ice fishing jig and one lucky kid will be drawn for a free lifetime fishing license, $1.50 for ages 12-64; all others are free, Range Pond State Park, 26 State Park Road, Poland. FMI: 207-998-4104, www.kitterytradingpost.com/ktp-events/seasonal-events/event-kids-icefishing-derby-20.html.

Mar. 7, Saturday, 5-6:30pm, “Corned Beef Dinner,” menu includes: Irish Soda Bread, Corned Beef, Cabbage, Mashed Potatoes, Turnip, Onions, Carrots and more, $10/adults, $5/under 12, Windham Hill United Church of Christ, 140 Windham Center Road, Windham. FMI: sebagolakeschamber.com.

Mar. 7, Saturday, 7:30pm, “Hayley Reardon,” the folk tradition of yesterday with an unmistakably modern acoustic sound, $10, Village Coffeehouse of New Gloucester, 19 Gloucester Hill Road, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-653-4823, www.villagecoffeehouse.org.

Mar. 7, Saturday, 8pm, “Los Lobos,” one of the most acclaimed American bands or the 1980s and ‘90s. Los Lobos were seasoned musical veterans with nearly 15 years of experience under their belts when they scored their first hit in 1987 with a cover of Richie Valens’ “La Bamba”. Though their time as pop stars was short, the group won over critics and a legion of loyal fans with their bracing mixture or rock, blues, Tex-Mex, country, R & B, and Mexican folk sounds, with the band’s sound ranging from gentle acoustic ballads to their outer limits of experimental rock, credit cards not accepted on site, $105pp + $5/handling fee, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dugway Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, stonemountainartscenter.com.

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