Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine July 25-31

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Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine July 25-31

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine July 25-31
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine July 25-31

“Ale House String Band,”  Waterfront Park, Gardiner

July 25-26, Thursday-Friday, 7:30pm, “Bates Dance Festival: Doug Varone & Dancers,” Festival favorite Varone presents the New England premiere of “in the shelter of the fold/epilogue,” two works comprising an inquiry into acts of faith. Tapping his own curiosity about prayer, Varone questions what constitutes faith — to whom are we speaking, and what are we asking for? The BDFête, a fundraiser and celebration, precedes the July 25 performance at 5:30pm ($60 includes premium performance seating). $12-$35, Schaeffer Theatre, Bates College, 305 College Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207-786-6161, batesdancefestival.org.
July 25-27, Thursday-Saturday, 8pm, “Godspell,” this immensely successful rock musical needs little introduction, but when it was first produced on Broadway in 1971 it broke new ground in its stage treatment of the historical Jesus Christ. Based on the Gospel according to St Matthew it deals with the last days of Jesus, and includes dramatized versions of several well-known parables. And yet it is something more – a demonstration of joy, and a celebration of the family of man. Led by international hit, Day by Day, Godspell features a parade of beloved songs including Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord, Learn Your Lessons Well, All for the Best, All Good Gifts, Turn Back, O Man and By my Side, $24-$26, Lakewood Theater, 76 Theater Road, Madison. FMI: 207-474-7176, www.lakewoodtheater.org.
July 26, Friday, 6pm, “Ale House String Band,” their style is unique, melding the theory and techniques of classical music with Traditional Folk styles. Oren is a classically trained vocalist, Brian is a wandering soul who picked up music along the way, and April has a Masters degree in Music Performance. The three have an uncanny ability to improvise music on the spot, free, Waterfront Park, ME-24, Gardiner. FMI: 207-582-7144, www.johnsonhall.org.
July 26, Friday, 7pm, “Atlantic Music Festival,” Chamber Music Series presents exciting works in an intimate setting. Experience a concert filled with emotional music-making from our finest players, free, Colby College Lorimer Chapel, 4000 Mayflower Hill Drive, Waterville. FMI: 401-316-2162, www.atlanticmusicfestival.org.
July 27, Saturday, 7am-3:30pm, “11th Annual Paddle Trek,” paddlers are invited for all part of the annual 15-mile paddle for Mount Vernon Village to Wayne Village, traveling through many lakes that form the 30 Mile Watershed, shuttle service is provided, registration required, $25/adults, $15/13-17, free/12 and under, 30 Mile Rivershed Association, 165 Front Street, Farmington. FMI: 207-860-4043, www.30mileriver.org.
July 27 and 28, Saturday and Sunday, 7:30pm/Sat, 7pm/Sun, “Hamlet,” in the wake of his father’s abrupt death, Hamlet returns home to find his personal and political world turned upside down—his mother remarried, his uncle on the throne, and a world seemingly gone insane. When his father’s ghost appears and demands vengeance, the desperate Danish prince must decide: submit or resist. Accept or avenge. Live or die. Thursday night is the preview, Friday is opening night, $34/general, $29/senior, $20/student, Theater at Monmouth, Cumston Hall, 796 Main Street, Monmouth. FMI: 207-933-2952, theateratmonmouth.org.
July 29, Monday, 6pm, “Bates Dance Festival-Musicians’ Concert,” a global mix of music by eight remarkable composers and players! Thoughtful, playful and profound music takes center stage when these extraordinary composers, known for their collaborations with dancers, perform original and improvised works that blend musical styles from around the globe. The evening features multi-instrumentalists Jesse Manno and Terrence Karn, whose collective musical repertory spans Africa, Asia and the Middle East; composer-pianists Peter Jones and Carl Landa; and violin prodigy Rob Flax; and electronic musicians Adam Crawley and Albert Mathias, $20/adults, $15/seniors, $12/students, Franco Gendron Center, 46 Cedar Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207-689-2000, www.francocenter.org.

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