Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine 5.23-5.29

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine 5.23-5.29

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine 5.23-5.29
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine 5.23-5.29

“Chris Fyfe & the Merle Haggard Tribute Band,”  Wayside Theatre, Dexter

May 23, Thursday, 6pm, “Swingmatism,” playing mainstream jazz: swing to bog and beyond. Featuring: Jay Bregman, saxophone; Dan Berrett, trombone; Bob Roman, bass; David Clarke, guitar; Lincoln Blake, keyboard; Mike Borja, drums, free, Bangor Public Library, 145 Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-947-8336, www.bangorpubliclibrary.org.
May 24, Friday, 4-9pm, “Maine Student Film Festival,” the Maine Student Film Festival brings you the 2019 annual event – the celebration of student’s film & video projects across the state of Maine. View some of the diverse offerings of students involved in the program, 100 Broadway, Bangor. FMI: mainestudentfilmfestival.org.
May 25, Friday, 4-7pm, “Commons Hall Open House,” the historic building will be open for tours. Artwork by local students and community members will be on display, accompanied by live classical music. Refreshments and light appetizers will be provided, as well, The Commons at Central Hall, 152 East Main Street, Dover-Foxcroft. FMI: www.centralhallcommons.org.
May 25, Friday, 4:30-6pm, “Public Church Supper,” menu includes baked beans, hot dogs, American chop suey, brown bread, salad, pies and cake, $7/adults, $3/under 12, free/under 5, Kenduskeag Union Church, 826 Kenduskeag Levant Road, Kenduskeag. FMI: www.facebook.com/kenduskeagunionchurch/.
May 25, Saturday, 7pm, “Chris Fyfe & the Merle Haggard Tribute Band,” the Tribute band is Kevin Overlock on lead guitar, Dana Flood on pedal steel guitar, Jackson Gay on bass guitar and Brian Hodgman on drums. Doors open at 6 p.m. Fyfe a multi-award winning vocalist, instrumentalist and songwriter with over 40 years in the country music business. Awards include Maine Country Music Hall of Famer, Maine Ole’ Opry Inductee, 2018 Male Vocalist of the Year and Entertainer of the Year, 2017 Traditional Country Band of the Year and Instrumentalist of the Year, $12, Wayside Theatre, 851 N. Dexter Road, Dexter. FMI: 207-277-3733, www.facebook.com/WAYSIDSTAGE.
May 27, Monday, 8am-12pm, “Memorial Day Lunch and Pie Sale,” homemade pies are priced $10-$12 each. The menu for the lunch include lobster rolls, chips and a beverage for $10. In inclement weather, the sale will move inside the church, United Methodist Church, 156 E. Main Street, Dover Foxcroft. FMI: 207-564-8055, www.bangordailynews.com.
May 28, Tuesday, 6-7pm, “Spring Planting Workshop,” Participants will learn best practices for planting ornamental seedlings, dahlias, hops and vegetable transplants, as well as how to sow flower and vegetable seeds directly into the garden. The workshop will include a tour through the different theme gardens and the opportunity to try different planting techniques. UMaine Extension Master Gardener Volunteers and staff will also discuss butterfly habitat, renovating overgrown perennial beds, irrigation and soil preparation. This event is suitable for both new and experienced gardeners, appropriate for all ages, rain date June 4, University of Maine, Rogers Farm 914 Bennoch Road, Old Town. FMI: 207-942-7396, extension.umaine.edu/penobscot/home-gardening/rogers-farm/.

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