Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 11-17

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 11-17

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 11-17
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 11-17

“Frog Information Day,”  Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, Old Town

Apr. 12-14, Friday-Sunday, 1-8pm/Fri, 10am-7pm/Sat, 10am-5pm/Sun, “2019 Bangor Flower & Garden Show,” come to the Cross Insurance Center to see the freshest landscaped gardens in bloom including floral, horticultural and botanical decor, along with the latest products and services that make up your beautiful outdoors. Plants, seeds, bulbs, cut flowers, herbs, shrubs, tools, sheds, greenhouses, decks, irrigation, hardscape products and green sustainable products, $10, free/12 and under, Cross Insurance Center, 515 Main Street, Bangor. FMI: www.crossinsurancecenter.com.
Apr. 12-13, Friday-Saturday, 7:30pm, “University of Maine’s Opera Workshop,” Umaine’s Opera Workshop is proud to announce our second semester of performing two shows. With one of our largest ensembles we’ve had recently, we have a large array of scenes to present- including scenes by Bizet, Strauss, Heggie- and of course Mozart! Come on down for an exciting night of Opera, free, Minsky Recital Hall, Class of 1944 Hall, University of Maine, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1755, www.umaine.edu.
Apr. 13, Saturday, 9am-3pm, “Orono Quilters Quilt Show,” collection of Jaqueline Star Bargello quilts with mix of modern and traditional and the Beautiful Birds Quilt Along; showcasing a special showing of Fons & Porter Love of Quilting Episode 3211: Mademoiselle Jackie Quilt featuring local designers Sandy Boobar and Sue Harvey of Pine Tree Country Quilts. Demonstrations of “Reboot Bargello” designs by Boobar and Harvey; and sewing bee hand quilting. Guest Denise Sullivan of WomenHeart. Give-aways, raffles, and refreshments, $3, Orono United Methodist Church, 36 Oak Street, Orono. FMI: www.bangordailynews.org.
Apr. 13, Saturday, 12-2pm, “Mud Strum Ukulele Fest,” hosted by the Fairmount Ukes of Bangor, Hampden Library Uke Group, Orono Library Ukuleles and the Old Town Library Ukulele Society. All are welcome to come to listen or find out more about the ukulele and where and when the local groups meet. Sheet music will be available if you want to play along or “Air Ukulele.” Ukuleles of any kind are welcome, but please leave your guitars at home, free, Bangor Public Library, 145 Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: www.bangorpubliclibrary.org.
Apr. 13, Saturday, 2pm and 6pm, “Next Generation Theatre Talent Show,” our theater students, led by the teens, will be performing a Cabaret-style production in order to raise money for our scholarship program, admission by donation, Next Generation Theatre, 39 Center Street, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7100, www.nextgenerationtheatre.com.
Apr. 13, Saturday, 7pm, “Bold Riley Concert,” Bold Riley started as a simple music project among friends, but quickly gained momentum thanks to the group’s contagious enthusiasm and commitment to bringing joyful acoustic folk music to the greater community. Comprising members from all over southern Maine, the group is known for its soaring vocal harmonies and diverse instrumentation. Fiddle, guitar, banjo, accordion, bass and an ever-expanding list of percussion allow Bold Riley to provide a wide range of music to its listeners. Members take turns singing lead, and songs range from classic folk favorites to unlikely covers to rousing originals. All proceeds will be going to the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter, $20, Hammond Street Congregational Church, 28 High Street, Bangor. FMI: www.bangorareashelter.org.
Apr. 14, Sunday, 2-5pm, “Frog Information Day at Hirundo Wildlife Refuge,” Hirundo Wildlife Refuge will hold “Frog Calling,” come to Hirundo to learn more about these creatures and their habitat in Maine, $10, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, West Old Town Road, Old Town. FMI: 207-394-2171, www.hirundomaine.org.

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