“Stevens Brook History Slide Show,” Bridgton
Aug. 24, Friday, 9am-3pm, Quilt Exhibit, antique family quilts and over 80 quilts created and hand quilted by Jeanne Wright, $3, North Windham Union Church, 723 Roosevelt Trail, Windham. FMI: 207-892-2809, www.mainetoday.com.
Aug. 24, Friday, 6pm, White Mt. Musical Arts Presents: “Bach to the Future,” food, music, art and a surprise appearance by Bach himself, $10, $5/students, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, 18 Bradley Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-9232, www.fryeburgacademy.org/pac.
Aug.25, Saturday, 10am-3pm, Maine Native American Summer Market and Demonstration, a unique blending of two of Maine’s most unique traditions, features 20 artists of the finest and most renowned Penobscot, Malisseet, Micmac and Passamaquoddy artisans, free, Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, Route 26, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-926-4597, www.shaker.lib.me.us.
Aug.25, Saturday, 6:30-8:30pm, “Lakescaping,” lecture, a beautiful way to protect the lake, free, Sebago Lake Ecology Center, Routes 237 and 34, Standish. FMI: 207-761-8310, www.pwd.org.
Aug. 26, Sunday, 8pm,Waltzing for Dreamers, music series with the Henry Girls and Ry Cavanaugh, free, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dugway Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.
Aug. 27, Monday, 7:00pm, Skinner Pipe Organ Concert, proceeds to benefit the preservation and restoration of the Maine State Building and All Souls Chapel, includes refreshments, $7.50, Poland Springs Preservation Society, 37 Preservation Way, Poland. FMI: 207-998-4142, www.polandspringsps.org.
Aug. 28, Tuesday, 7pm, Stevens Brook History, Part I: Slide Show, enjoy an interesting look into Bridgton’s past with local historian Sue Black, Stevens Brook was once used to produce power for many mills along the water’s edge, call to register, $5, LEA Office, 230 Main Street, Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-8580, www.mainelakeschamber.com.