Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 7-13

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 7-13

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 7-13
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 7-13

“Jupiter String Quartet,” Collins Center for the Arts, Orono

Nov. 8, Friday, 7:30pm, “Jupiter String Quartet,” a particularly intimate group, consisting of violinists Nelson Lee and Meg Freivogel, violist Liz Freivogel (Meg’s older sister), and cellist Daniel McDonough (Meg’s husband, Liz’s brother-in-law). Now enjoying their sixteenth year together, this tight-knit ensemble is firmly established as an important voice in the world of chamber music. In addition to their performing career, they are Artists-in-Residence at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, where they maintain private studios and direct the chamber music program, $36, Collins Center for the Arts, UMF, 2 Flagstaff Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1755, collinscenterforthearts.com.

Nov. 8-9, Friday-Saturday, 8-10pm/Fri, 5-10pm/Sat, “The 6th Annual Improv ME Festival,” Improv talent from all over the state of Maine will be descending on the stage for three sessions of laughs over the course of two nights. We’ve got some old favorites and a couple of new additions for you this year! Friday, Nov. 8 – 8-10 PM: The Focus Group (Bangor/Brewer), Teachers Lounge Mafia (Farmington), ImprovAcadia (Bar Harbor/Bangor). Saturday, Nov. 9 – 5-7 PM: Improv In Sanity (UMaine Orono, ) The Cool Kids’ Table (Camden), Queen City Improv (Bangor). Saturday, Nov. 9 – 8-10: The Focus Group, You Should Smile More (Portland)…And a big improv surprise, $10 per session, Next Generation Theatre, 39 Centre Street, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7100, betweenfriendsartcenter.com.

Nov. 9, Saturday, 4:30am-9am, “PCCA Hunter’s Breakfast,” homecooked all you can eat breakfast! Sausage, bacon, eggs, frenchtoast, pancakes, homefries, beans, biscuits, sausage gravy, donuts, coffee, and juice, $8/cash or check only, Penobscot County Conservation Association, 570 Main Road, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-4709, conservationassociation.org.

Nov. 9, Saturday, 7am-2pm, “Relay for Life Craft Fair,” several Vendor/Craft items. Silent Auction and Raffles. Forgotten Felines will be there selling items and taking donations to help support stray cats and kittens, free, Bangor Elks Lodge, 108 Odlin Road, Bangor. FMI: 207-944-5076, mainepublic.org.

Nov. 9, Saturday, 9am-3pm, “Christmas Fair ‘And Heaven and Nature Sing’,” homemade Baked Goods, Candies, jellies,jam,relish. Attic Treasures. Maine Crafters. Lunch room serving fish chowder, corn chowder and chili. Raffle Tickets for a Christmas Tree filled with a variety of local gift certificates!!! All are welcome! Enjoy the beauty of a Maine Christmas, free, Second Congregational Church, 607 Main Street, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7930, www.facebook.com/Second-Congregational-Church-Pastor-David-Morrison-1604184289854122.

Nov. 9, Saturday, 6-10:30pm, “Contra Dance,” Come beat the winter blues with fun for kids, seniors, and everyone in between. Join the Bangor Contra family dance, with live music by our Open Band! The Contra Dance Band: Heidi Daub, (piano, bari uke, penny whistle, five string banjo) and Fiona (fiddle) and Bill Schubeck (piano, fiddle, trumpet, caller). All were members (in various configurations) of the former long standing Oakum Bay String Band, who in Blue Hill, held the longest running dance series in the state of Maine. Now, the double fiddles and driving solid rhythm the family band brings their unique sound to Bangor, Bangor Contra Family Dance 6-7pm, $2/kids, $3/adults, $10/family, The Contra Dance Band 7:30-10:30pm, $8/adult, $5/kids, Bangor UU Church, 120 Park Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-356-1118, bangorcontra.org.

Nov. 10, Sunday, 3pm, “Masterworks II-Brahms & Prokofiev,” two works by Johannes Brahms and Prokofiev’s fiery Piano Concerto No. 3 make for a can’t-miss concert event in November. Celebrated pianist Benjamin Hochman makes his long-awaited return to the Bangor Symphony Orchestra for the Prokofiev. Lucas Richman, conductor, Benjamin Hochman, piano, see site for ticketing details, Collins Center for the Arts, UMF, 2 Flagstaff Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1755, collinscenterforthearts.com.

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