Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Oct.31-Nov.6

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Oct.31-Nov.6

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Oct.31-Nov.6
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Oct.31-Nov.6

“The Office! A Musical Parody,” Collins Center for the Arts, Bangor

Nov. 1, Friday, 7pm, “NT Live Broadcast-One Man, Two Guvnors,” Featuring a Tony Award-winning performance from host of the The Late Late Show, James Corden, the hilarious West End and Broadway hit One Man, Two Guvnors returns to cinemas to mark National Theatre Live’s 10th birthday. Fired from his skiffle band, Francis Henshall becomes minder to Roscoe Crabbe, a small time East End hood, now in Brighton to collect £6,000 from his fiancée’s dad. But Roscoe is really his sister Rachel posing as her own dead brother, who’s been killed by her boyfriend Stanley Stubbers. Holed up at The Cricketers’ Arms, the permanently ravenous Francis spots the chance of an extra meal ticket and takes a second job with one Stanley Stubbers, who is hiding from the police and waiting to be re-united with Rachel. To prevent discovery, Francis must keep his two guvnors apart. Simple, $15/adults, $10/seniors, $8/students, Collins Center for the Arts, UMF, 2 Flagstaff Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1755, collinscenterforthearts.com.

Nov. 2, Saturday, 8:30am-1:30pm, “Jingle Bell Fair,” includes Christmas booth, jams, pickles, puzzles, plants, gift baskets, white elephants, jewelry, homemade baked goods, candy, fudge, hand knit items, books and children’s corner. Lunch will be served 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. Menu options include corn chowder, grilled cheese, chips, desert and drink for $6 and hot dogs, chips, desert and drink for $3.50, First United Methodist Church, 40 South Main Street, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7310, www.facebook.com/1UMCBrewer/?rf=213359089000970.

Nov. 2-3, Saturday-Sunday, 9am-4pm/Sat, 10am-3pm/Sun, “Bangor Arts & Crafts Show,” there will be approximately 80+ Maine artisans displaying their made in Maine crafts. Please support your local artisans, buy Made in Maine products, $3, Cross Insurance Center, 515 Main Street, Bangor. FMI: www.unitedmainecraftsmen.com.

Nov. 2, Saturday, 10am-12pm, “Trail Hike,” join us for a hike on the Warren Trail at Lake George Regional Park. We will meet in the parking lot on the West Side. The Total hike is about 3 miles. Be sure to wear sturdy shoes and at least one article of fluorescent orange clothing! We will have extra orange if you do not have any. Don’t forget your water, free, Lake George Regional Park, 10 Main Street, Canaan. FMI: 207-612-2571, mainstreetskowhegan.org.

Nov. 2, Saturday, 1pm, “The Met: Live in HD-Manon,” exhilarating soprano Lisette Oropesa returns to cinemas in November as the irresistible title character, the tragic beauty who yearns for the finer things in life. Tenor Michael Fabiano is the besotted Chevalier des Grieux, whose desperate love for Manon proves their undoing. Maurizio Benini conducts Massenet’s sensual score. This live cinema transmission is part of the Met’s award-winning Live in HD series, bringing opera to more than 2,200 theaters in more than 70 countries worldwide, $25/adult, $20/senior, $10/student, Collins Center for the Arts, UMF, 2 Flagstaff Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1755, collinscenterforthearts.com.

Nov. 2, Saturday, 7-11pm, “Dancing with the Geeks,” fundraiser, attendees will feast on Greek specialty dishes, including a Gyro bar and desserts, enjoy beer and wine, and Greek line dance to their hearts’ content accompanied by authentic live Greek music. A silent auction also provides the opportunity to take home gift certificates for entertainment, travel, and a host of fun items from local merchants. Free Greek line dancing lessons are part of the St. George “Dancing with the Greeks” tradition, held at St. George Church on Sanford Street 7-8 p.m. Oct. 30, $30/advance, $25/door, $10/17 and under, Wellman Commons, 294 Union Street, Bangor. FMI: bangordailynews.com.

Nov. 3, Sunday, 3pm, “The Office! A Musical Parody,” Singing! Dancing! Paper! It’s a typical morning at Scranton’s third largest paper company until, for no logical reason, a documentary crew begins filming the lives of the employees of Dunder Mifflin… The Office! A Musical Parody, currently playing Off-Broadway in New York City, is the unauthorized parody of the hit TV show, “The Office.” Don’t miss this hilarious new musical that lovingly pokes fun at everyone’s favorite coworkers. Your favorite moments from all 9 seasons mashed up into one “typical” day with Michael, Jim, Pam, Dwight and others at The Office. Featuring songs such as “That’s What She Said,” “Marry Me Beesly,” and “We Have Fun Here.” “A boisterous, rejuvenating escape from reality that’ll fill the void in your heart.” – Mashable “The Office! A Musical Parody has made its claim as one of the most successful shows currently running Off-Broadway.” – BroadwayWorld, $52/$42-orchestra, $42/$30-balcony, Collins Center for the Arts, UMF, 2 Flagstaff Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1755, collinscenterforthearts.com.

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