Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21

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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 8-14
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Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21
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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21

“The Man from Planet 52,” Bangor Opera House, Bangor

Aug. 15-18, Thursday-Sunday, 4pm/Thurs.-Sat, 11am/Sun, “The Man from Planet 52,” when a spaceship containing an alien bounty hunter crashes in their town, can four regular kids help The Man from Planet 52 find and bring the evil Zontar to justice? Or will Zontar’s alien zombie army get the upper hand and take over Earth?! This show is a hilarious and campy love letter to the B-Movie phenomenon of the 1950’s, Penobscot Theatre, Bangor Opera House, 131 Main Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-3333, penobscottheatre.org.
Aug. 15, Thursday, 6:30pm, “Flash! In the Pans Concert,” based in Blue Hill, Maine, FLASH! is one of the largest community steelbands in the country. Formed in 1990, members of FLASH! find as much joy in playing the steel drum (known as pan) as they do in sharing their music with audiences of all ages. Playing Calypso, Swing, Blues, Pop and Classical, by donation, Riverfront Park, Old Town. FMI: 207-827-3972, old-town.lib.me.us.
Aug. 15, Thursday, 7:30pm, “Organ Concert featuring Sarah Johnson,” St. John’s Organ Society is pleased to announce the 27th Summer Recital Series on Maine’s largest 19th-Century mechanical-action pipe organ, E. & G. G. Hook’s magnificent Opus 288, The August 15 concert features Sarah Johnson from Rochester, New York. Johnson is performing music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Felix Mendelssohn, and Josef Gabriel Rheinberger. Sarah Johnson is a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts at the Eastman School of Music, where she studies with David Higgs. A native of Garland, Maine, Sarah began her organ lessons with Kevin Birch, organist and music director at Saint John’s Catholic Church in Bangor, where she was featured as a recitalist on the 26th annual Summer Organ Concert Series. In her undergraduate degree at Vassar College she studied organ with Gail Archer, and piano with Todd Crow. Sarah holds a Master of Sacred Music from Boston University, where she studied organ with Peter Sykes. Since beginning college, Sarah has performed in New York City at Central Synagogue, and in Boston at Old West, Trinity Copley, and Holy Name Parish. She was named an E. Power Biggs Fellow of the Organ Historical Society in 2013. Sarah was featured as a rising star and guest recitalist at the 2017 Musforum Conference in Omaha, Nebraska, and recently took part in a master class at Aspen Music Festival in Colorado. During her time in Boston, Sarah was Organ Scholar at Holy Name Parish in West Roxbury, and Assistant Librarian at the Organ Library of the American Guild of Organists. Sarah currently serves as the Organ Assistant (VanDelinder Prize Winner) at Christ Church in Rochester, and is Festival Coordinator for the Eastman Rochester Organ Initiative, free, donations appreciated, St. John’s Catholic Church, 207 York Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-6941, stpaulbangor.me.
Aug. 17, Saturday, 8:30am-2:30pm, “Holden Congregational Church-UCC Blueberry Festival,” pancakes and blueberry desserts served all day. There will be crafts and baked goods to be sold and lots of raffles and auction items to be bid on. Enter a blueberry pie for prizes and bragging rights. Judging will take place at 10 AM. Watch the fun and seriousness of the judges as they choose this year’s winner. At 11AM, Z’s Bees will provide an educational presentation on the importance of bees. Bring the kids. Light lunch options will be available. Craft tables still available for a donation, Holden Congregational Church, 9 Rider Bluff, Holden. FMI: 207-843-6013, www.facebook.com/HoldenUCC/.
Aug. 17, Saturday, 9am-3pm, “Antiques Appraisal,” Orland Historical Society we will have five experienced appraisers available to provide you with an estimated value of your antiques treasures. The cost for the appraisal is $5 per item. Items such as jewelry, gold items, silver items, clocks, toys, guns, advertising items such as signs, oil and gas related items and general antiques would be appropriate. Those wishing to visit our museum are welcome at no charge. Come and participate in a fun “Antiques Road Show,” Orland Historical Society, 23 School House Road, Orland. FMI:  www.facebook.com/pages/category/Museum/Orland-Historical-Society-1637297596549515/ .
Aug. 17, Saturday, 10am-2pm, “Dyeing with Plants, a hands-on workshop,” Explore processes and techniques for extracting colors from local plant materials with Kim Robichaud. Together we will harvest and process an assortment of local dye materials. In this program we will explore three processes for extracting color from natural dye materials: Plant pounding, steam extraction and hot water immersion baths. You are encouraged to bring fibers from home for dyeing, but please be aware that only natural fibers will take the dyes and all fabric works best if it has been pre-mordanted ahead of time. Suitable natural fibers include cotton, linen, hemp, silk and wool. Everything but silk needs to be pre-mordanted in alum and washing soda and, preferably, given time to dry before dyeing. Kim Robichaud is a teacher and fiber artist that works with natural fibers to create one of a kind fabrics and quilts. Her work employs natural dyes, block printing, mono-printing, textile paints and fiber-reactive resist dyeing techniques. Kim has twice been a technical assistant at the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts for resist dyeing, natural dyes and block printing using traditional Rajasthani techniques. She has also attended Haystack as a student of surface design techniques and she offers dye workshops for the Audubon Society and Haworth Academic Center. Tiered ticket pricing, $35/$45/$55, Partial scholarships available, pre-register, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, 1107 West Old Town Road, Old Town. FMI: 207-394-2171, www.hirundomaine.org.
Aug. 17, Saturday, 1-4pm, “Invasive Plant Patrol-Plant Paddle,” the Plant Paddle is a 3-hour guided exploration that takes place on shore and on the water. This is a fun, informal way to learn about Maine’s native aquatic plants, as well as the invasive aquatic plants that threaten these beautiful and ecologically-important habitats. Participants will each receive a free “Quick Key to Ruling Out Maine’s Eleven Most Unwanted Invasive Aquatic Plants,” and will the practice skills needed to spot suspicious plants while out recreating on the water. Pre-registration is REQUIRED @ www.lakestewardsofmaine.org/invasive-plant-patrol-workshops/plant-paddle-registration, free, Crossroads Christian Camp on Chemo Pond, Bradley. FMI: 207-783-7733, www.lakestewardsofmaine.org.

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