Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 25-31

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 25-31

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 25-31
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 25-31

“Summer at Leonard’s Mill,”  Maine Forest and Logging Museum, Bradley

July 25-28, Thursday-Sunday, 6pm, “Shakespeare Under the Stars: Richard III,” the culmination of the original throne game, the Wars of the Roses, between the Lancasters and the Yorks. The Yorks have seized control of England, but now their greatest threat comes from within, from their own brother Richard. Murder, betrayal, and devious plots culminate in a war that would prove to be the last time the rule of England was determined by force. This production is transposed some five hundred years forward, and a universe over, to the gangster movies of the 1990s, in a sort of Shakespeare-Tarantino ‘collaboration’. Bring blankets, folding chairs and a picnic, box office opens 1 hour prior to showtime, credit cards, cash and check accepted, $10/suggested donation, Orono Public Library Amphitheater, 39 Pine Street, Orono. FMI: 207-866-5060, www.orono.org/324/Public-Library.
July 25, Thursday, 7:30pm, “St. John’s Organ Society: Organ Concert,” July 25 concert features Daniel Pyle from Bar Harbor, Maine with Elena Kraineva from Indianapolis, Indiana playing viola d’amore. Pyle is performing music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Matthias Weckmann, and Frank Martin. Daniel Pyle is Organist/Music-Director for the St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church in Bar Harbor ME, and Musical Director of the ensemble Harmonie Universelle. In 2018 he conducted Handel’s Messiah for the Blue Hill Bach Festival, and for the spring of 2019 he is Guest Director for the Acadia Choral Society. Elena Kraineva holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Indiana University, where she studied with Atar Arad and Stanley Ritchie. She actively performs internationally as a soloist on viola and viola d’amore and Baroque violist with various chamber music groups, including Harmonie Universelle, the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra, Musical Offering, Duo Vitruviani, Ensemble Hesperides, donations appreciated, St. John’s Catholic Church, 207 York Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-6941, stpaulbangor.me.
July 26-28, Friday-Sunday, 6pm/Fri.-Sat, 2pm/Sat.-Sun, “Disney High School Musical, Jr,” middle school actors will be performing the stage adaptation of the Disney Channel Original Movie, High School Musical. The fun and relatable musical tells the stories of a group of teens navigating their way through high school, learning to balance their many interests, and overcoming teenage drama, $8/adults, $5/students, Next Generation Theatre, 39 Center Street, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7100, www.nextgenerationtheatre.com.
July 26, Friday, 7pm, “Broadway and Beyond,” Come see Laura Artesani perform with Emily Cain and Kelly Caufield as they bring you an amazing night “on Broadway.” Come for a wonderful evening of entertainment and support Partners for Peace. Partners for Peace provides information and support to anyone affected by abuse and domestic violence throughout Penobscot and Piscataquis Counties, including the Greater Bangor Area, Lincoln, Millinocket, Newport, Dexter, and Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, $12/advance, $15/door, Church of Universal Fellowship, 82 Main Street, Orono. FMI: 207-866-3655, www.churchofuniversalfellowship.org.
July 27, Saturday, 9am-2pm, “Ellen Leach M. Home Craft Fair,” a craft fair put on by residents and local vendors. We will be having lunch food, bake sale and crafts. Get your Christmas shopping done earlier, free, Ellen Leach M. Home, 58 Colonial Circle, Brewer. FMI: 207-922-5566, www.leachmemorialhome.org.
July 27, Saturday, 10am-4pm, “Summer at Leonard’s Mill,” one match in the firebox of the 1907 Lombard loghauler starts about four hours of woodburning to get enough steam up to move 20 tons of powerful machinery. The very first lag-treaded vehicle, it is the machine to revolutionize work in the woods and led to all the bulldozers, tanks and snowmobiles we have today. A turn of the key gets the gas Lombard out of the shop 1930s style. A match touched to a ball of paper nestled in a forge fire pot gets coal burning quite quickly! Come and try your hand with a hammer and hot metal. Portable forges and anvils will be set up for visitors to try the old-fashioned skill of the blacksmith. Firing up the mills too–water-powered, rotary and shingle. Check out the different ways to power up–with the flow from Blackman Stream or with old truck engines. The museum is off-the-grid, so we use the old-fashioned ways to operate equipment. Many a shingle mill was powered out back with a cast-off truck engine. Chet Grady’s belt-driven machine shop from Belfast was run on electricity, which we provide with a generator. One shaft and many machines–an efficient use of power. You can help supply the power to move the batteau–we’ll have rides up the stream if we get enough volunteers. Make your way around the museum to see everything-spinning, woodworking and more. And don’t forget to stop in for beanhole beans–the pit is fired up on Friday so the big pots can spend the night buried. A really neat, stacked fire cooks the biscuits in reflector ovens. Shortcake for dessert, or maybe a cone from the Spencer’s ice cream truck. Or maybe take your shortcake over to the truck and get a scoop of ice cream on top, $10/adults, $5/ages 3-17, Maine Forest and Logging Museum, 262 Government Road, Bradley. FMI: 207-974-6278, maineforestandloggingmuseum.org.
July 27, Saturday, 7pm, “David Dodson and the Lowdown,” will play their folk, rock, blues, jazz and country music. The Lowdown includes John and Rachel Nichols and Michael Nickerson. John play acoustic and electric guitars and Rachel adds percussion. Michael holds down the bottom end on upright bass and occasionally adds a great blues harp to the arrangements. Baked goods and coffee will be sold at intermission, doors open at 6:30pm, $12, Wayside Grange and Theatre, 851 N. Dexter Road, Dexter. FMI: www.facebook.com/events/2306159459598907/.

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