Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 11-17

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 11-17

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 11-17
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 11-17

“The Last Five Years,” Next Generation Theatre, Brewer

July 12-14, Friday-Sunday, 7pm, “The Last Five Years,” one of our teen students, Hannah Nilsson, will direct a production of The Last Five Years, which will star two more of our teen actors, Brielle Biehn and Isaac Tardy. The musical, written by Tony award winning composer and lyricist Jason Robert Brown, is a deconstruction of a love affair and marriage that takes place over five years. The story is told almost entirely through songs using an intercutting timeline device: all of Cathy’s songs move backwards in time from the beginning of her relationship with Jamie to the end, while his songs move in a normal chronological order, $8/adults, $5/students, Next Generation Theatre, 39 Center Street, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7100, www.nextgenerationtheatre.com.
July 12, Friday, 7pm, “Contra Dance at Dover Foxcroft Commons,” caller will be John McIntire and live music by “Some Reel People” all dances are taught, $7/singles, $12/families, The Commons, 152 East Main Street, Dover Foxcroft. FMI: 207-277-4221, bangordailynews.com.
July 13, Saturday, 10am-2pm, “Insect Bio Blitz at Fields Pond Audubon Center,” join in on the fun as we collect data and add to the record of species of insects found at Fields Pond Audubon Center in Holden. You may be the one to discover a new insect species. Instruction will be provided and we will have entomological experts on hand to identify all insects collected. Come for an hour or stay the whole day, registration required, free, Fields Pond Audubon Center, 216 Fields Pond Road, Holden. FMI: 207-989-2591, www.maineaudubon.org/visit/fields-pond.
July 14, Sunday, 2-4pm, “Play Reading of ‘Arsenic and Old Lace’,” Wayside Grange and Theatre will hold a play reading of “Arsenic and Old Lace”. No experience needed, no lines to memorize, no rehearsals, no stage directions or costumes. Just sit on the stage, read a part. Scripts provided. Please feel free to bring snacks and drinks for our “intermission.” The Theatre hopes this will become a monthly event, with a new play chosen by the group each time, free, Wayside Grange and Theatre, 851 North Dexter Road, Dexter. FMI: www.facebook.com/events/2406245802955772.
July 16, Tuesday, 4:30-6:30pm, “Old Home Week Baked Bean Supper,” menu to include beans, casseroles, hot dogs, rolls, coleslaw and pies, $8/adults, $4/children, East Orrington Congregational Church, 38 Johnson Mill Road, Orrington. FMI: 207-825-3404, www.facebook.com/EastOrringtonCongregationalChurch/.
July 16, Tuesday, 7:30pm, “Crazy Horse Family Elder and Author,” Crazy Horse family elder Floyd Clown Sr will join author William Matson to discuss and sign their book “Crazy Horse: The Lakota Warrior’s Life and Legacy” based on the Family’s oral history. This will be their landmark 254th appearance as they travel across the United States and Europe. The Crazy Horse family’s oral history had not been told outside the family for over a century because the government had been hunting their family members since Crazy Horse was assassinated in 1877. Now, over a century later, it is finally being told by his family. Clown, a son to Edward Clown who was a nephew to Crazy Horse and keeper of the sacred bundle and pipe, will represent his family at the discussion, free, Bangor Public Library, Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-947-8336, www.bangorpubliclibrary.org.
July 17, Wednesday, 6pm, “Author Talk on ‘Maine’s Wicked Wild 25’,” a talk with hiking guide author Greg Westrich on “Maine’s Wiked Wild 25” 6-8 p.m. WW25 is a list of Maine’s 25 scariest hikes–lost of ladders, slides, ledges, and cliffs. Come join the discussion and see the slideshow about each of the hikes. Learn how you can begin your adventure to hike all 25 trails and earn a sew-on patch, free, Pittsfield Library, 110 Library Street, Pittsfield. FMI: 207-487-5880, www.pittsfield.lib.me.us.

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