Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine May 9-15

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 9-15
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 9-15
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Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine May 9-15
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Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine May 9-15

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine May 9-15
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine May 9-15

“Che Apalache,” Opera House, Boothbay Harbor

May 10, Friday, 7-9pm, “Bay Chamber Faculty Concert,” our Spring Faculty Concert features members of the Bay Chamber Music School Faculty in performances sure to engage and delight audiences of all ages. This concert is free and open to the public. Donations at the door provide important funds for our music school programs. Come support our faculty and students for this marvelous evening of music, donations gratefully accepted, Union Hall, 24 Central Street, Rockport. FMI: 207-236-2823, www.baychamberconcerts.org.
May 10, Friday, 7:30pm, “Che Apalache,” a four-man string band based in Buenos Aires with members from Argentina, Mexico and the United States. They began as a bluegrass band, but eventually incorporated Latin American styles into their repertoire. Combining instrumental prowess with tight vocal harmonies, they have created an authentic blend of genres to reflect the nature of their lives. Evoking images from Appalachia to the Andes, their debut album, “Latingrass,” is a testament to a powerful cultural and musical exchange, $20/online, $25/day of show, The Opera House at Boothbay Harbor, 86 Townsend Avenue, Boothbay Harbor. FMI: 207-633-5159, boothbayoperahouse.com.
May 11, Saturday, 7:30pm, “Songs & Chanteys from the Era of Moby-Dick,” seasoned sea music singers Dave Peloquin and Jerry Bryant will perform “Songs and Chanteys From the Era of Moby-Dick.” The program, a celebration of Herman Melville’s 200th birthday year, includes songs and chanteys mentioned in his books, and other material that would have been familiar to Melville during his time as a sailor, $15/door, $8/students, $12/advance, Phippsburg Congregational Church, 10 Church Lane, Phippsburg. FMI: 207-389-1770, www.phippsburgucc.org.
May 11, Saturday, 7:30pm, “Denny Breau Trio,” this will be the sixth concert of the 2018-19 Concerts for a Cause series that raises money for local charities. This season’s beneficiaries are The Gathering Place and the Brunswick Teen Center. The Denny Breau Trio offers a wide variety of music styles, mixing genres with ease – folk, country, Delta blues, & jazz in a way that captivates and entertains the audience, $5-$12, Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Middle Street, Brunswick. FMI: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3619151?ref=349591.
May 12, Sunday, 1-3pm, “Old Fashioned English Sports Day and Cream Tea,” a family event to celebrate Mother’s Day, fun races for all the family, Croquet, and Scones and cream Tea, crafts for kids, face painting, free, Belfast Boathouse, 34 Commercial Street, Belfast. FMI: 207-505-4434, www.hospicevolunteersofwaldocounty.org.
May 12, Sunday, 2pm, “DaPonte String Quartet Winter Series III: Beethoven or Bust,” Ludwig van Beethoven: String Quartet No. 12 in E flat Major Op. 127 Ludwig van Beethoven: String Quartet No. 4 in C Minor Op. 18 Ludwig van Beethoven: String Quartet No. 11 in F Minor Op. 95, $22.50/online, $25/door, free/under 21, Lincoln Theater, 2 Theater Street, Damariscotta. FMI: 207-563-3424, lcct.org.
May 14, Tuesday, 7:30pm, “Pat Metheny in Concert,” acclaimed guitarist and composer, and winner of 20 Grammy awards, Metheny is renowned for blurring the boundaries of jazz music beginning with the release of his first album in 1975. Throughout his career he has continued to re-define the genre by utilizing new technology and constantly working to evolve the improvisational and sonic potential of his instrument. Over the years, Metheny has performed with artists as diverse as Steve Reich to Ornette Coleman to Herbie Hancock to Jim Hall to Milton Nascimento to David Bowie. Lobby and Balcony Bars are open for all live shows for 21+, $45, Strand Theatre, 345 Main Street, Rockland. FMI: 207-594-0070, www.rocklandstrand.com.

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