Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 18-24

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 18-24

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 18-24
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 18-24

“Red Ring Tail,” Bangor Arts Exchange, Bangor

Apr. 18, Thursday, 1-5pm, “Hirundo Foraging Workshop,” this session we will take a look at tree, plant and fern identification books and work on plant terminology and essential knowledge for safe foraging. In preparation for May’s Ostrich Fern workshop we will spend time on fern identification. Working together we begin to compile a seasonal harvest calendar. We will set out to discover tender shoot and try the flavor of birch sap. Bring a snack, a notebook, appropriate clothing for both indoor and outdoor exploration, and (optionally) a foraging basket and small carving knife, tiered ticket pricing $35/$45/$55, partial scholarships available, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, 112 Broadway, Bangor. FMI: 207-394-2171, www.hirundomaine.org.
Apr. 18, Thursday, 8pm, “Full Moon Hike,” Hirundo Wildlife Refuge will have a full moon at 45 Hudson Road. We will meet at Gate 3 and head out to explore the trails after dark. Dress warm and bring a flashlight or headlamp for the full experience of nature at night. Bring snowshoes if you have them or email us at web@hirundomaine.org to reserve a pair, free, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, 45 Hudson Road, Old Town. FMI: 207-394-2171, www.hirundomaine.org.
Apr. 19, Friday, 8pm, “Red Tail Ring,” the Bangor Arts Exchange will host Red Tail Ring as part of the New Nashville North concert series. Laurel Premo and Michael Beauchamp of Red Tail Ring create lush, intricate arrangements of original folk music and traditional ballads with banjo, fiddle, guitar and close harmonies, $15/advance, $20/door, Bangor Arts Exchange, 193 Exchange Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-200-6881, bangorartsexchange.org.
Apr. 19, Friday, 8pm, “The Focus Group,” come out for a night of improvised, comedic theater performed by a group of friends performing their version of “The Harold!” Beer and wine available for purchase for those 21+. Mature audiences only, $5, Next Generation Theatre, 39 Center Street, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7100, nextgenerationtheatre.com.
Apr. 20, Saturday, 5:30pm, “Bangor Grange Hall Dinner and Show,” dinner to include baked ham and beans, salads and homemade rolls, the Spring Fever Country & Gospel Show features Jessi Mallory as Elvis Presley; Dan Preble, Norm Reynolds, Jim and Renee Fraser, proceeds benefit hall renovations, $8/supper, $7/show, Bangor Grange Hall, 1192 Ohio Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-632-4682, www.facebook.com/events/317261985653086.
Apr. 23, Tuesday, 6:30pm, “Bangor Community Chorus,” to hold its 50th anniversary celebration concert entitled “It’s a Golden Night for Singing,” Bangor Public Library Lecture Hall, 145 Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-947-8336, www.bangorpubliclibrary.org.
Apr. 23, Tuesday, 7:30pm, “Black Bear Men’s Chorus Concert,” Black Bear Men’s Chorus will present a concert as part of the Church of Universal Fellowowship’s Music with a Mission series. Vibrant, fun, amazing choral sound, this group of 60 men is affiliated with the University of Maine and always provides an entertaining evening of choral music. The proceeds from this concert will benefit H.O.M.E., a non-profit organization based in Orland dedicated to keeping and enhancing the quality of life for low-income and homeless families, $10, Church of Universal Fellowship, 82 Main Street, Orono. FMI: 207-866-3655, www.churchofuniversalfellowship.org.

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