Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 14-20

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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 14-20

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 14-20
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 14-20

“Winter Fest Family Ice Fishing Derby,” Long Lake Boat Launch, Harrison

Feb. 14, Thursday, 10am-12pm, “Sweetheart Showshoe at Highland: I’m with the Trees,” join us for a sweetie pie snowshoe at the Highland Research Forest with a focus on winter tree identification. Bring a friend or be with the trees for the afternoon as we explore the new trails and the different trees in the forest, there may be some tasty surprises along the way! Please be prepared for an easy to moderate trek through the snow with layers, water, snacks, boots and snowshoes (if you’d like to borrow a pair please let us know!) This event is free but registration is requested, please email alanna@leamaine.org. The Highland Research Forest is located off of Commons (Summit Drive) off of Upper Ridge Road in Bridgton, follow the event signs, and park on the road. FMI: www.mainelakes.org.
Feb. 14, Thursday, 7-10pm, “Contra Dance” with music by Don and Cindy Roy and caller Maggie Robinson at Cressey Road United Methodist Church in Gorham. Don and Cindy are winners of the National Heritage Fellowship, the highest honor in the country in the folk and traditional arts: www.donroyonline.com. Bring (or meet) your Valentine! New and experienced dancers welcome. Refreshments provided, $10, Cressey Methodist Church, 81 Cressey Road, Gorham. FMI: 515-867-6883, www.cresseyrdumc.org.
Feb. 14-16, Thursday-Saturday, 7pm/Thurs, 7:30pm/Fri. and Sat, 2pm/Sat, “The Ladies Foursome,” A Hilarious Comedy by Norm Foster burns up the 18-hole golf course. These four unforgettable women will make you roar with laughter one moment, then heave a sigh of understanding the next. From the opening tee off to the touching events at the final hole, audiences will enjoy some of the funniest, most outrageous and deeply involving exchanges in the history of the golf game. Absolutely no topic is off limits with this foursome as they take on the course challenges… and each other. Hilarious, confrontational, opinionated, fascinating, these four friends take life apart and then find a way to put it all back together again. Secrets are revealed, friendships tested, new friends found. A hilarious, touching, wonderful play about four wonderful women. Don’t miss the chance to get to know them, $20/adults, $18/seniors, The Footlights Theatre, 190 US Route 1, Falmouth. FMI: 207-747-5434, www.thefootlightstheatre.com.
Feb. 15, Friday, 7:30pm, “Bradley Backstage: Junco (Unplugged),” hailing from the hills of the Mt. Washington Valley, Junco performs an original blend of rock, folk, and funk. The band is comprised of bassist Anthony Branca, lead guitarist Jeremy Holden, drummer Alex Ouellette, lead singer/guitarist Bobby Sheehan, and oboist Dan Stackhouse. Since their inception, Junco has released an EP, Waking the Sleeping Giant (2015) and an LP, The Night the Lake Stood Still (2017). The band’s lively presence, upbeat themes, and improvisational approach all add up to a feel-good, stimulating, and ever-evolving style of music. This concert will provide a rare opportunity to see the full band completely acoustic! Bradley Backstage ‘flips’ the theater and seats the audience on stage with the performers, creating a much more intimate and unforgettable live concert experience, $15/adults, $5/students, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts, 18 Bradley Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-9232, www.fryeburgacademy.org.
Feb. 16, Saturday, 7am-4pm, “Winter Fest Family Ice Fishing Derby,” a fun family event! Bring the whole family out for a day of ice fishing with Harrison Recreation! Great prizes to give away to the top 3 winners in each age group. This year we have added a prize for the adult with the biggest fish, $15/16 and older, $5/children under 15, Long Lake Boat Launch, Route 117, Harrison. FMI: www.harrisonmaine.org.
Feb. 17, Sunday, 12:30-3:30pm, “Porcupine Prowl,” Sometimes we get to see these quilled creatures, but always we find signs they leave behind announcing that they inhabit Flat Hill. We’ll go on a porcupine prowl and see if we can piece together parts of their story, including hints of others who may also be looking for them (think maybe fisher or bobcat tracks). Join us to celebrate Great Maine Outdoor Weekend with this afternoon hike. Snowshoes a must. Degree of difficulty: moderate. Location: Flat Hill, end of Heald Pond Road off of Slab City Road, Lovell, free, 135 Heald Pond Road, Lovell. FMI: www.gllt.org.
Feb. 17, Sunday, 2pm, “McCoy-Chapman Forest Snowshoe Hike,” winter is a wonderful time to get out and explore nature. Join Mahoosuc Land Trust on a hike and enjoy the skeletal trees, snow covered landscape and winter quiet. Snowshoe hikes are weather dependent. Cancellation notices can be found at www.mahoosuc.org/events-calendar/ McCoy-Chapman Forest – Every Sunday in January and February, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Meet at Valentine Farm, 162 North Road, Bethel at 1:45 p.m. to carpool, or meet us at the plowed parking lot, on the north side of North Road, 4.4 miles west of Valentine, Valentine Farm, 162 North Road, Bethel. FMI: www.mahoosuc.org.

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