“Bangor New Year’s Eve Ball Drop,” Paddy Murphys, Bangor
Dec. 27, Thursday, 7pm, “Swingmatism,” plays Swingmatism plays mainstream Jazz. Swing to Bop and Beyond. Featuring: Jay Bregman, saxophone; Dan Barrett, trombone; Bob Roman, bass; David Clarke, guitar; Lincoln Blake, keyboard; Mike Borja, drums, 145 Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-947-8336, www.bangorpubliclibrary.org.
Dec. 29, Saturday, 12-4pm, “Siesta Sanctuary Holiday Open House,” over 80 beautiful parrots will celebrate the holidays. Hear parrots talk, sing and dance. Play catch with a cockatoo and leave the cold winter outside to wander into an equatorial paradise right here in Central Maine. Meet Woody, the blue-throated macaw who collects nuts, bolts, pipe clamps, toy parts, cage latches, etc. daily; congratulate Rajah (blue and Gold macaw) on her first egg; and hear the latest flock gossip according to Rhetta, Ginger and Nutmeg (all Moluccan cockatoos). Also in the Sanctuary’s flock are African Greys, amazons, cockatiels and cockatoos, conures, eclectuses, lovebirds, macaws, parakeets and ring necks. Since parrots live from 30 to 80 years, they’ve landed at this non-profit because their human flock was disrupted or they’ve outlived their human, free/donations gratefully accepted, Siesta Sanctuary, 104 Brown Road, Harmony. FMI: 207-683-6322, SiestaSanctuary.org.
Dec. 29, Saturday, 7-11pm, “Bangor Contra Dance,” musicians Clayton and Willy Clemetson will join caller Tavi Merrill for the last conta dance of 2018. We’ll send the year out with a flourish or two, dancing contras old and new. Most dances taught; no partner necessary, $8/adults, $5/students with ID, free/under 18 with adult, 120 Park Street, Bangor. FMI: www.heybangor.org.
Dec. 30, Sunday, 10am, “13th Annual Epic Finale 5k,” registration includes race bib, race shirt, and race hat (optional), register on line or in person, $20/adult-NO Hat-includes shirt, $25/adult-includes shirt and hat, $15/youth 14 and under-includes shirt, West Market Square, Bangor. FMI: www.runreg.com/epic-finale-5k.
Dec. 31, Monday, 6pm, “Last Dance: An Evening of Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers,” Penobscot Theatre Company and Tundra Productions invite audiences to free fall into the New Year with an evening of pure rock-n-roll. Last Dance: An Evening of Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers will play for two performances only, 6:00 and 9:00 pm, at the Bangor Opera House. The show, featuring a wide array of Petty’s catalog, is more than just a greatest hits concert. Last Dance invites audiences into the studio while sharing insight into Petty’s humble beginnings, his rise to stardom, his songwriting process and the history of his legendary backing band, The Heartbreakers.Penobscot Theatre Company Producing Artistic Director, Bari Newport shares Jeremy’s passion. “I never get tired of this music. It is music that reaches the roots of my soul.” Last Dance features twenty-three classic hits including “Mary Jane’s Last Dance,” “It’s Good To Be King,” “Wildflowers,” “Learning to Fly,” “Refugee” and “American Girl,” $39, Bangor Opera House, 131 Main Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-3333, www.penobscottheatre.org.
Dec. 31, Monday, 8pm-1am, “New Year’s Eve Dance,” the Bangor Area Recovery Network (BARN) will hold a New Year’s Eve Dance from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Monday, Dec. 31, at 142 Center Street. $3 members, $5 non-members. All proceeds go directly toward supporting the BARN, Bangor Area Recovery Network, Center Street, Brewer. FMI: 207-561-9444, www.bangorrecovery.org.
Jan. 1, Tuesday, 1am, “Bangor’s New Years Eve Ball Drop,” Witness the yearly spectacle! Come out and celebrate the most iconic New Year’s Eve tradition in Bangor outside Paddy Murphy’s, 26 Main Street. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen a giant beach ball with Christmas lights taped to it being tossed from the top of a building. No fee or charge, just stand in the square and watch the magic happen as we welcome in 2019, Paddy Murphys, Main Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-945-6800, paddymurphysbangor.com.