Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov.29-Dec.5

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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov.29-Dec.5

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov.29-Dec.5
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov.29-Dec.5

“USM Jazz Ensemble,” Corthell Concert Hall, USM, Gorham

Nov. 29, Thursday, 7:30pm, “USM Jazz Ensemble,” the USM School of Music presents the USM Jazz Ensemble, directed by Christopher Oberholtzer. This ensemble is a full sized 17-piece big band. This performance will be diverse in nature and will focus on more contemporary literature from composers such as Fred Sturm as well as more classic big band literature from the musical libraries of bands including Duke Ellington, Olivar Nelson and Buddy Rich, $8/adults, $5/students and seniors, Corthell Concert Hall, USM, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5555, www.usm.maine.edu/music.
Nov. 30-Dec. 2, Friday-Sunday, 2-8pm/Fri, 10am-8pm/Sat, 12-4pm/Sun, “2nd Annual Festival of Trees,” come and enjoy over 20 decorated trees sponsored by local businesses! Each tree will be raffled. Raffle tickets $.50 each – winning tickets drawn on Sunday, Dec. 2nd at 4:00 p.m. Open to the public! Café available, free, Windham Hill United Church of Christ, 140 Windham Center Road, Windham. FMI: 207-892-4217, windhamhillucc.org.
Nov. 30, Friday, 8pm, “Too Modern for Me, Gary Wittner CD release,” this concert features eleven original compositions performed by Gary and the USM jazz faculty. We also celebrate his 30th year teaching in the University of Maine System. This is Gary’s second vocal CD and features 11 songs written and performed by Wittner, featuring an all-star group of New England jazz musicians: Matt Langley (tenor sax), Les Harris, Jr. (drums) and Keala Kaumeheiwa (bass). The songs on Too Modern for Me are influenced in equal parts by the music of Thelonious Monk, and the wit of Mose Allison and Dave Frishberg. Some of Gary’s songs are serious, but most are written for humor – like his ode to turning 60 (“I’d Rather Stay Home”), his nod to technology (“Too Modern For Me”), and an amusing look at addictions (“I’ll Quit Tomorrow”). Maine jazz promoter Paul Lichter, whose performance series Dimensions in Jazz is a Portland institution, has referred to Gary’s vocal music as “Jazz Cabaret”. The CD will be available throughout northern New England at all Bull Moose stores, on the web at bullmoose.com, and digitally at iTunes and Spotify, $15, $10/seniors, $5/students, Corthell Concert Hall, USM, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5555, usm.maine.edu/music.
Dec. 1, Saturday, 9am-1pm, “St. Ann’s Christmas Fair,” with homemade baked goods, cookie walk, fudge & candy shop, arts and crafts, decorations, silent auction, vintage to modern jewelry and glassware. Always a fun time with luncheon soups at St. Ann’s café, free, St. Ann’s Episcopal Church, 40 Windham Center Road, Windham. FMI: 208-892-8447, www.facebook.com/StAnnsEpiscopalWindhamME04062.
Dec. 1, Saturday, 10am-3pm, “Shaker Christmas Fair,” specialties include Shaker baked goods – wheat bread, beer batter bread, cinnamon-raisin bread, Sister Frances’ famous fruitcakes, fresh-baked herbal biscuits, cookies, and more. A wide selection of gifts and holiday items are available such as Shaker cooking herbs and herbal teas, pickles, jellies, old-fashioned candy, maple syrup, pickles, cheese, woodenware, furniture, antiques, baskets, knit goods, toys, ornaments, decorated balsam wreaths, hot cider, homemade donuts, bake sale, 50/50 raffle and so much more! Lunch plates will be available while supplies last. Proceeds from the popular White Elephant Room, a second-time around ‘garage’ sale, benefit local food pantries. Shaker Village is listed as a National Historic Landmark and on the National Register of Historic Places, free, Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, 707 Shaker Road, Route 26, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-926-4597, www.maineshakers.com.
Dec. 1, Saturday, 8pm, “Composers Showcase, Daniel Sonenberg, Director,” The USM Composers Ensemble, ranging in size from 10-30 musicians, begins each semester with no music, and a different combination of instruments and players than the last semester. Under the encouragement, instruction and inspiration of Daniel Sonenberg, resident composer and director of the ensemble, compositions are read and rehearsed throughout the semester, culminating in a concert of original works by semester’s end, free, Corthell Concert Hall, USM, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5555, usm.maine.edu/music.
Dec. 4-5, Tuesday-Wednesday, 7pm, “Humbug! A Spirited Christmas Carol,” Set in the 1940’s, a touring company of misfit performers get snowbound in a small town they’re supposed to perform A Christmas Carol in. With half the cast missing and a mismatched collection of costumes, props and set pieces, they attempt to perform the Dickens’ classic- even though off-stage shenanigans make it hilariously difficult. Full of humor, heart and a happy ending, this world premiere comedy will capture your inner Humbug and fill you with the Christmas spirit, $15-$20, Footlights Theatre, 190 US Route 1, Falmouth. FMI: 207-747-5434, www.thefootlightstheatre.com.

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