Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 15-21

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 15-21
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 15-21
November 14, 2018
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 15-21
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 15-21
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Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 15-21

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 15-21
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 15-21

“You Can’t Take It With You,” Wells High School

Nov. 15, Thursday, 6:30pm, “Meet the Author-Douglas Volk,” a veteran corporate executive who also writes dark thrillers that are “hard to put down” (Maine Sunday Telegram). The author of the Morpheus Conspiracy and two more forthcoming novels in The Morpheus Series, he also serves as CEO of the award-winning Volk Packaging Corporation, free, McArthur Library, 270 Main Street, Biddeford. FMI: 207-284-4181, www.mcarthurlibrary.org.
Nov. 15-17, Thursday-Saturday, 6:30pm/Thurs, 7pm/Fri and Sat, 2pm/Sat, “You Can’t Take it With You,” presented by the Wells Players, sweet-natured Alice Sycamore falls for banker’s son Tony Kirby. But when she invites her snooty prospective in-laws to dinner to give their blessing to the marriage, Alice’s peculiar extended family-including philosophical grandfather Martin Vanderhof, hapless fledgling ballerina sister Essie and fireworks enthusiast father, Paul, might be too eccentric for the staid Kirbys, $8, $5/seniors, Orienn Performing Arts Center, Wells High School, 200 Sanford Road, Wells. FMI: wellschamber.org.
Nov. 16, Friday, 7:30pm, “Al Copley Quartet,” Don’t miss the astounding pianist, singer, arranger, and co-founder of “Roomful of Blues,” the renowned Grammy-nominated American jump band, now with its own jumping, jiving, swinging quartet. Bring your dancing shoes to the aisles for this rollicking, uplifting concert, $25-$30, Saco River Theatre, 29 Salmon Falls Road, Bar Mills. FMI: 207-929-6472, www.sacorivertheatre.org.
Nov. 16-17, Friday-Saturday, 7:30pm, “Mother Butterfly,” when stand-up comic Amy recounts her life with her dysfunctional family, this time her memories come to life. Dealing with her mother’s death, Amy relives the highs and lows of life growing up with a mother battling depression and a father unable to show emotion. With a keen eye for the ridiculous, even in life’s tragedies, Amy guides us through key episodes in her life: As she so succinctly puts it, “We don’t get to choose how people love us.” Presented by Storm Warnings Repertory Theatre, $20, $15/seniors, Brick Store Museum, 117 Main Street, Kennebunk. FMI: 207-985-4802, www.brickstoremuseum.org.
Nov. 17, Saturday, 6-9pm, “Festival of the Trees Preview Gala,” put on your best holiday finery and bring your friends for an evening of celebration. Come enjoy some live music by the Thornton Academy String Quartet, hors d’ouevres, sweets, silent auction and cash bar, rsvp required, $20, Saco Museum, 371 Main Street, Saco. FMI: 207-283-3861, www.sacomuseum.org.
Nov. 18, Sunday, 2pm, “Pasco Lecture with Maine Author/Illustrator Melissa Sweet,” Melissa Sweet has illustrated over 100 books as well as many toys, puzzles, games for eeBoo. Her work has been in magazines, on greeting cards and as drawings on her living room walls. She has written four books: Carmine: A Little More Red, a New York Times Best Illustrated book; Tupelo Rides the Rails; Balloons Over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy’s Parade, a Sibert Award winner (for informational books) and a NCTE Orbis Pictus winner (for nonfiction). Her most recent book, Some Writer! The Story of E. B. White, was a New York Times Best Seller and garnered an NCTE Orbis Pictus award. Melissa has illustrated three books by author Jen Bryant: A River of Words: The Story of William Carlos Williams; The Right Word: Roget and His Thesaurus, both garnered Caldecott Honors. A Splash of Red: The Art of Horace Pippin, was a Sibert Award and Orbis Pictus Award winner, free, Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library, 18 Maine Street, Kennebunkport. FMI: 207-967-2778, www.graveslibrary.org.
Nov. 18, Sunday, 3pm, “Mozart: Out of Thin Air-with Joe Arsenault,” originals’ longtime pianist, SRT Treasurer, and modern Renaissance man, Joe Arsenault will present the first in a series of conversations at the piano in which he shares and demonstrates insights on composers, piano works, philosophy…wherever the music takes him – and us. Time in the presence of Joe’s far-reaching mind is something special, and not to be missed, reservations suggested, pay-what-you-can, The Old White Church, 15 Salmon Falls Road, Bar Mills. FMI: 207-929-6472, www.sacorivertheatre.org.

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