Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 8-14

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Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 8-14
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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 8-14

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 8-14
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 8-14

“The Little Mermaid,” Windham High School Performing Arts Center, Windham

Nov. 9-11, Friday-Sunday, 7pm/Fri. and Sat, 2pm/Sun, “The Little Mermaid,” a Broadway style production for your enjoyment. With all of the memorable characters and songs & lyrics that bring out the child in all of us. Under the creative direction of Rob Juergens watch your favorite characters come to life as you go Under The Sea at WHS Performing Arts Center. Technical Director CJ Payne mixes a variety of lights, sounds and set to draw you into King Triton’s kingdom. The music direction of Dr. Richard Nickerson, will have you humming the sweet songs and music for days to come as you remember the characters in elaborate costumes created by Weslie Evans & her costuming staff at WHS. Choreographer Vanessa Beyland incorporates movement and dance to round out the fantasy, $10-$14, Windham High School Performing Arts Center, 406 Gray Road, Windham. FMI: 207-893-1742, whsfallmusical.weebly.com.

Nov. 9, Friday, 8pm, “Faculty Concert Series: Women in Son, The XX Factor,” Soprano Malinda Haslett (Berlin Konzerthaus, L’opéra on Plein Air, Atlanta Opera) and Conductor Timothy Long (Aspen Music Festival, Juilliard School, NY City Opera) come together to present “Women in Song, The XX Factor.” This mixed media, femme-fatal inspired recital will feature music and visual art images by trail blazing women, to tantalize both the ears and the eyes, $15, $10/seniors, Corthell Concert Hall, USM, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5555, www.usm.maine.edu/music.
Nov. 10, Saturday, 9am-1pm, “Snowflake Fair,” handmade balsam wreaths, berry bowls, fir pillows, hand knit hats and mittens, treasures table, gifts, books, Christmas loft, baked goods, raffles and lunch, free, Lovell United Church of Christ, 1174 Main Street, Lovell. FMI: 207-925-1321, lovellucc.org.
Nov. 10, Saturday, 9:30am-12:30pm, “Pondering the Past in Pondicherry Park,” join Loon Echo Land Trust, Greater Lovell Land Trust and Lakes Environmental Association on a walk through history through Pondicherry Park! Maine Master Naturalist Leigh Hayes will join staff from LELT and LEA to point out key features in the park and speak about its history. We will also venture over the wall on LEA’s Pinehaven Trail and check out the new low-elements challenge course, level of difficulty: easy, family friendly, free, Pondicherry Park, Depot Street, Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-4352, www.lelt.org.
Nov. 10-11, Saturday-Sunday, 10am-4pm/Sat, 10am-3pm/Sun, “Fall Craft Show at USM,” arts, crafts and raffles, featuring Maine Artisans, children’s crafting area, donations appreciated, Costello Sports Complex, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5430, www.southernmainehuskies.com/fundraisingCraftShow.
Nov. 10, Saturday, 2pm, “Southern Maine Symphony Orchestra,” the Southern Maine Symphony Orchestra presents their fall concert at Westbrook Performing Arts Center. The concert will feature the famous Brahms Violin Concerto performed by violinist Robert Lehmann, who is also the group’s conductor. That segment of the program also feature graduate conducting associate, Ben David Richmond, $8/adults, $5/students and seniors, Westbrook Performing Arts Center, 471 Stroudwater Street, Westbrook. FMI: 207-780-5555, www.usm.maine.edu/music.
Nov. 13, Tuesday, 7:30pm, “Vocal Jazz Ensemble,” directed by Taylor O’Donnell, includes both music and non-music majors. The ensemble will perform intricate arrangements of jazz standards, as well as pieces written specifically for vocal jazz ensembles. Per the ensemble’s custom, the performance will include improvised vocal solos, $8, $5/students and seniors, Corthell Concert Hall, USM, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5555, www.usm.maine.edu/music.

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