Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 1-7

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 1-7
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 1-7
October 31, 2018
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine  Nov. 1-7
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 1-7
October 31, 2018

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 1-7

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 1-7
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 1-7

“Parsonsfield Seminary Haunting: Beware, the Shadow,”  Parsonsfield Seminary

Nov. 2-5, Friday-Sunday, 7:30pm/Fri. and Sat, 3pm/Sun, “Mother Butterfly,” when stand-up comic Amy recounts her life with her dysfunctional family, this time her memories come to life. Dealing with her mother’s death, Amy relives the highs and lows of life growing up with a mother battling depression and a father unable to show emotion. With a keen eye for the ridiculous, even in life’s tragedies, Amy guides us through key episodes in her life: As she so succinctly puts it, “We don’t get to choose how people love us.” Presented by Storm Warnings Repertory Theatre, $20, $15/seniors, Brick Store Museum, 117 Main Street, Kennebunk. FMI: 207-985-4802, www.brickstoremuseum.org.
Nov. 3, Saturday, 9am-2pm, “Country Corner Christmas Fair,” traditional Christmas Fair with baked items, decorations gift table, books and luncheon of corn chowder or chicken soup with sandwich, dessert, beverage for $5, Buxton United Methodist Church, 275 Chicopee Road, Buxton. FMI: 207-642-4958, www.facebook.com/Buxton-United-Methodist-Church-781894548538584.
Nov. 3, Saturday, 2:30pm and 7:30pm, “Billy Mitchell’s VILLAIN: DEBLANKS,” an uproarious improvisational comedy where the cast says words you put in their mouths! The audience provides nouns, adjectives, and verbs (the wilder, the better) and the actors provide the laughs—uncensored and unrehearsed—as they solve the mystery of Philip DeBlanks’ untimely demise. It’s “Clue” meets Mad Libs, performed by some of your favorite SRT actors! Like a ride to summer camp in the back of a station wagon, each hilarious performance is ridiculously one-of-a-kind. Featuring Originals founders Jennifer Porter and Dana Packard, plus veterans William McDonough III, Elisabeth Hardcastle, and Claudia Schneider, and SRT board member and Hollywood actor, Richard McGonagle! 2:30pm show for kids and 7:30pm for grown-up kids. This “Day of Giving” fundraising event will include a raffle and prizes. SRT will split the proceeds of the evening show with Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine, pay-what-you-can, Saco River Theatre, 29 Salmon Falls Road, Bar Mills. FMI: 207-929-6472, sacorivertheatre.org.
Nov. 3, Saturday, 6:30-9pm, “Parsonsfield Seminary Haunting: Beware, the Shadow,” the Haunting is our annual event that attracts hundreds of visitors from miles around. It takes an army of people to transform the 42 rooms plus basement of Doe Hall (the beautiful Victorian ParSem dormitory) into a “haunted house” filled with ghosts, ghouls, and goblins. You won’t believe your eyes or ears. About 1500 guests per year visit “The Haunting”. Countless volunteer hours go into designing, building, decorating, costuming, and the creation of special effects. And then there are all the characters portrayed by our volunteers. In 2015 our volunteer list grew to an average of 65 people per night, all giving of their time and talents to help us put on “The Haunting”. The Haunting is now considered a “must see” in our area. In fact people come from miles away just to experience the show. We say it’s all make-believe, but is it? After all the building was built in 1835 and…Come and experience the chills and thrills for yourself, $15, $5/12 and under, Parsonsfield Seminary, 504 North Road, Parsonsfield. FMI: 207-625-4449, parsem.org.
Nov. 3, Saturday, 7pm, “Comedy Hypnosis featuring Dan Candell,” Dan Candell’s shows are very fast paced, and packed with action and entertainment. Many of his routines are signature routines. He brings willing volunteers up from the audience, and quickly hypnotizes them to perform fun and outrageous acts such as transforming into rock stars, southern farmers and pig catchers, and have them think that they won $1 million dollars, or possess magical powers. Don’t miss out on the fun, $12/plus processing fee in advance, $15/door, Massabesic Middle School, 134 Old Alfred Road, Waterboro. FMI: 207-247-6121, middleschool.rsu57.org.
Nov. 3, Saturday, 7pm, “Dark and Stormy Tavern Dinner,” need an antidote to October’s shorter days and darker nights? Enjoy a special hearth-cooked meal prepared by Chef Jon Bagley of Cornerstone Artisanal Pizza in historic Jefferds Tavern, accompanied by entertaining ghost tales. The three-course harvest menu includes: a mixed greens salad with candied pecans, cranberries, goat cheese and an apple cider vinaigrette, braised pork stew with root vegetables and mashed potatoes, and blueberry bread pudding with whipped cream. Please bring your own beer or wine, $65, $60/members, Old York Historical Society, 3 Lindsay Road, York. FMI: 207-363-4974, oldyork.org.
Nov. 3, Saturday, 8pm, “Jeff Pitchell, Texas Flood & Allivia Lorusso,” Connecticut Hall of Famer, guitarist/singer/songwriter the fabulous Jeff Pitchell and the talented Texas Flood Band for a night of music at Jonathan’s Ogunquit. We will also welcome special guest, one of our own local favorites, Ms. Allivia Lorusso, $22.50-$63.50, Jonathan’s Ogunquit, 92 Bourne Lane, Ogunquit. FMI: 207-646-4777, jonathansogunquit.com.

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