Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 31- Sept.5

Out and  About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 31-Sept.5
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 31-Sept.5
August 29, 2018
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 6-12
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 6-12
September 5, 2018

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 31- Sept.5

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 31- Sept.5
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 31- Sept.5

“Studio Two: Beatles Tribute Band,” Hathorn Park Gazebo, Pittsfield

Aug. 30, Thursday, 6pm, “Studio Two: Beatles Tribute Band,” a headlining Beatles tribute band that focuses on the early years, choosing songs from the pre-Sgt. Pepper era, part of Pittsfield’s Summer Concert Series, free, Hathorn Park Gazebo, Hartland Avenue, Pittsfield. FMI: www.studiotwotributeband.com.
Aug. 30, Thursday, 6pm, “Author Talk: Aislinn Sarnacki: Off the Beaten Path,” presentation and book signing by local author Aislinn Sarnacki! Aislinn will share her favorite hikes in the region and bring copies of her guidebooks to purchase. Aislinn Sarnacki is a reporter for the Bangor Daily News for the Outdoors and Homestead sections, and the author of “Family Friendly Hikes in Maine,” released in 2017, and “Maine Hikes Off the Beaten Path,” released in June 2018. For the BDN, Aislinn produces stories and columns about outdoor recreation, especially hiking. To date, her BDN blog features videos, photos and descriptions of nearly 300 hikes throughout the state, free, Thompson Free Library, 186 East Main Street, Dover-Foxcroft. FMI: 207-564-3350, www.thompson.lib.me.us.
Aug. 30, Thursday, 7:30pm, “Opus 288 & Friends,” the season finale is August 30 and features Opus 288 & Friends: Anna Maria Baeza – clarinet (Brooklyn, NY), Kevin Birch – organ (Bangor, ME), Anatole Wieck – violin (Bangor, ME), and Joachim Woitun – violoncello (Brooklyn, NY) performing the Suite for Organ, Violin, and Cello by Josef Rheinberger, Opus 149, donations appreciated, St. John’s Catholic Church, 207 York Street, Bangor. FMI: hookopus288.net.
Aug. 31-Sept. 3, Friday-Monday, 5pm/Friday events begin, 9am/Saturday, 10am/Sunday, 9:30am/Monday, “Harmony Free Fair,” this year’s fair includes a new food menu, youth livestock show, cribbage tournament, live music, sheep dog demonstrations and much more. Returning this year are the fiddle contest, talent show, and rides from Kavanaugh Amusements’ midway. The Central Maine Pyrtotechnics will once again display a fireworks show Sunday evening. This year we will again be giving away thirty bicycles in the Kids Agricultural Contest. Entries can be made at the Prize Ticket Booth, and the child must be present to win when the drawing is held on Monday afternoon, free, Harmony Fairgrounds, Fairway Lane, Harmony. FMI: harmonyfreefair.weebly.com.
Aug. 31, Friday, 7pm, “Mars 1001,” an international crew is about to embark on the first interplanetary journey in history, the first manned mission to the surface of Mars! Science reporter Miles O’Brien is reporting while events unfold for the crew on their daring 1001-day long mission. Witness firsthand their brave attempts to put human footprints on Mars and return safely to Earth. This journey will be extending our knowledge of Mars and will be determining whether or not mankind has a future among the stars. Experience the thrill of the grandest mission of exploration ever undertaken – humans going to Mars! The program includes a tour of the night sky as viewed here in Maine, $6/adults, $4/under 12, Emera Astronomy Center, 167 Rangeley Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1341, www.astro.umaine.edu.
Sept. 1, Saturday, 10am, “Mount Hope Cemetery Tour,” learn little known facts about some of Bangor’s famous—and infamous– residents during our guided tour. Hear about the importance of symbolism in the gravestones and get a chance to take in some of the city’s beautiful vistas. Built in 1834, Bangor’s 300-acre Mount Hope Cemetery is the nation’s second oldest garden cemetery. It was designed by renowned architect Charles G. Bryant as part of a national movement to provide respite from grassless urban landscapes. Garden cemeteries were created as much for living as for those who had passed on, $10/adults, $5/12 and under, Superintendent’s House, Mt. Hope Cemetery, 1048 State Street, Bangor. FMI: www.bangorhistoricalsociety.org.
Sept. 1, Saturday, 5-6pm, “Baked Bean and Casserole Supper,” menu will include baked beans, casseroles, salads, biscuits, beverage and pie, $8/12-adult, $4/5-12, free/under 5, Orland United Methodist Church, 24 Narramissic Drive, Orland. FMI: 207-902-2250, www.facebook.com/Orland-United-Methodist-Church-1483757191877606.

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