Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 17-23

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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 17-23

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 17-23
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 17-23

“Pineland Farms Family Farmyard Opening,” Pineland Farms, New Gloucester

May 18 and 20, Friday and Sunday, 7pm/Fri. and 3pm/Sun, “Lake Region Community Chorus Spring Concert-Now Let Me Fly,” this enthusiastic singing group is made up of fifty-five members from fourteen surrounding towns. They will present a varied program made up of traditional Classical pieces, folk songs, spirituals, a Fiddler on the Roof medley and there will be more surprises as well. There is a recurring theme of hope, freedom and peace that ties the pieces together and will be pleasing to all who attend, free, Bridgton Academy, Route 37, North Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-3733, www.lakeregioncommunitychorus.org.
May 18-19, Friday-Sunday, 7pm/Fri. and Sat, 2pm/Sat, “Blood Brothers,” a haunting rags to riches tragedy of our times. A woman with numerous children to support surrenders one of her new born twins to the childless woman she cleans for. The boys grow up streets apart, never learning the truth but becoming firm friends and falling in love with the same girl. One prospers while the other falls on hard times. A narrator warns that a price has to be paid for separating twins: the lives of the blood brothers, who die on the day they find out they are related. *Adult Content- Parental discretion is advised*, $15, $10/seniors and students, Windham Center Stage Theater, 8 School Road, Windham Town Hall, Windham. FMI: 207-893-2098, windhamtheater.org.
May 19-20, Saturday-Sunday, 10am-5pm/Sat, 10am-4pm/Sun, “18th Annual Home Garden Flower Show,” with great exhibitors, garden centers and awesome fair food, up to 300 indoor booths in 7 buildings make this a great rain or shine event, new this year fly fishing demonstrations and instructional sessions, $10/adults, $8/advance, $4/youth 11-16, free/10 and under, Fryeburg Fairgrounds, 1154 Main Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-2845, www.homegardenflowershow.com.
May 19, Saturday, 10am-2pm, “Pineland Farms Family Farmyard Opening,” get to know our Farmyard Animals! Goats, Sheep, Pigs, Horses, Cows, Alpacas. Milk a cow, collect chicken eggs, meet the goats and much more! Hands-on activities every half hour! Sheep Dog Demo: Demonstration with Joe Grady of Two Coves Farm (2 demos scheduled during the event ). Face Painting, Sidewalk Chalk, Farmers Obstacle Course, Horse Drawn Wagon Rides, Bubbles, $6/advance, $8/day of, Pineland arms, Education Department, 15 Farm View Drive, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-650-3031, www.pinelandfarms.org/education.
May 19, Saturday, 10am, “Brazilian Choro Band, Choro Louco,” Brazilian Choro has been around for more than 100 years. Its beautiful melodies, complex harmonies, and syncopated rhythms combine elements of European folk and classical, ragtime, jazz, Latin, and African music, creating a style that is uniquely Brazilian and enormously appealing. Choro Louco was formed in 2013 by a group of accomplished musicians who have all established themselves as virtuosos in other genres — ranging from classical music and jazz, to Celtic, klezmer and Middle Eastern music. The band performs regularly in Portland and has an enthusiastic following. The band members are Carl Dimow (guitar, flute, bass flute), Nicole Rabata (flute), David Newsam (8-string guitar, mandolin), Joel Eckhaus (cavaquinho, mandolin) and Eric LaPerna (pandeiro, bongos), free, Prince Memorial Library, 266 Main Street, Cumberland. FMI: 207-829-2215, princememorial.org.
May 19, Saturday, 7pm, “Royal River Chorus,” the Royal River Chorus will perform their special blend of women’s barbershop harmony in a concert at the North Windham Union Church. Royal River consists of 35 women of varied backgrounds and professions, united by a love of singing and performing. Its members come from six counties in southern, central and mid-coast Maine. Under the direction of Chris Ferguson, the Royal River Chorus is a chapter of Sweet Adelines, International, and is currently celebrating 35 years of entertaining audiences throughout Southern Maine, $12, $10/seniors and students, North Windham Union Church, 723 Roosevelt Trail, Windham. FMI: 207-892-7149, mwamconcerts.com.
May 20, Sunday, 7:30pm, “Denny Breau and Bruce Marshall,” Denny Breau – Denny is a triple threat: a consummate picker, evocative songwriter, and a singer with a voice that is warm and inviting but completely un-pretentious much like the singer himself. Bruce Marshall – A tireless performer armed with great originals, an expressive, soulful voice and a commanding guitar style, both on electric, acoustic and steel dobro, he’s earned a reputation as one of New Englands best. 20% of Bruce Marshall’s CD sales and 20% of Padruig Designs jewelry sales will benefit Loon Echo in protecting land in the northern Sebago Lake region of Maine to conserve its natural resources and character for future generations, $15/online, $20/door, The Hayloft at Dragonfly Barn, 95 Sanborns Grove Road, Bridgton. FMI: 207-749-6160, www.facebook.com/events/133421467329805.

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