Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 22-28

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 22-28
February 21, 2018
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 1-7
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 1-7
February 28, 2018

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 22-28

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 22-28
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 22-28

“2018 Tom Noonan Togue Derby,” Sebago Lake, Raymond

Feb. 22, Thursday, all day, “Shawnee Peak Family Day,” family Day is a kid oriented day on the slopes. All events are free and open to the public. We have so many fun things planned for the day! We’re celebrating the olympic spirit this year!! There is a costume contest for both young and old, dress in your favortite country’s colors! Face Painting and arts and crafts in the Great Room, A scavenger hunt on the Mountain and around the base lodge, Family obstacle race, Skillet toss, Sack Race, Snow Volley Ball and Tug of war, Corn Hole, Giant Jenga, Hula Hoop Contest, Dress up Relay, Pie eating contest, Crafts, a Guessing Jar and More. Prizes will be awarded and fun is a guarantee, Shawnee Peak, 119 Mountain Road, Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-8444, www.shawneepeak.com.
Feb. 23, Friday, 2-8pm, “Laser Tag,” the Grand Summit Hotel Ballroom at Sunday River will be transformed into a world of wonder. Laser tag combines the classic game of hide-and-seek and tag with a high tech twist. Games are 15 minutes long, starting at 4pm, with the last team starting at 7:45pm. Each session will include 30 people, 15 on each team. Arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time to get prepped, tickets available at the door at 3pm or by calling ahead, $8 for one or $14 for two/14 and over, $7 for one or $12 for two/13 and under, Sunday River, 97 Summit Road, Newry. FMI: 207-824-3500, www.sundayriver.com.
Feb. 23, Friday, 8pm, “Faculty Concert Series: William Rounds, cello ‘Pairs: A Program of Duos’,” USM faculty cellist William Rounds performs Oswaldo Golijov’s stunning solo cello work Omaramor then joins with USM alumna and former faculty member Elisabeth Marshall, soprano, presenting a collection of poems by Anne Bradstreet with music by James Kallembach. PSO principal oboist Amanda Hardy is then featured for a performance of an oboe/cello duo by Marilyn Zupnick. Finally, Rounds will perform the famed cello/bass duo by Gioachinno Rossini with PSO principal bassist Joseph Holt. Three of the works have been published within the last 20 years, making this a most relevant program for our time. The program begins with the solo cello, which provides the connecting thread through the rest of the concert. Omaramor is a fantasy on a song popular in Argentina in the 30’s. Rounds describes this as a kind of duet with himself on the solo cello, following the enigmatic twists and turns of the piece as the tango theme is slowly revealed. The unifying theme of the program is the unusual combinations of instruments. We’ve heard of eight cellos and a soprano, but rare is the literature for one cello and soprano. The same could be said for pairing the cello with the oboe, and especially interesting are the sounds that come from paring the cello with the double bass. Along with the distinctiveness of each work, the novelty of these seldom heard combinations make this a most compelling program, $15/adult, $10/seniors & alumni, $5/students, Corthell Concert Hall, USM, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5555, usm.maine.edu.
Feb. 24 and 25, Saturday and Sunday, 7am-5pm, “2018 Tom Noonan Togue Derby,” the derby will once again be in cooperation with Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The tournament is intended to be a fish management tool targeting both invasive species along with illegally introduced species that are also considered invasive. Waters Included: Sebago Lake Weigh Station Times: 7 AM to 5 PM. It’s a 5 PM sharp close on Sunday – Anglers need to be in line prior to 5 PM. Winner Determination: Winners will be ranked by weight. First tie breaker will longest length, Second tie breaker will be earliest time weighed. Fish Limits: Derby limit is 6 togue per angler per day. Anglers must be present at weigh station to enter their fish. All State Regulations Apply to the Derby including: Sebago Lake: No bag limit for togue under 23 inches and no minimum length limit. Daily bag limit on togue greater than 33 inches: 1 fish. All togue between 23 – 33 inches must be released alive at once. Closed to all fishing within 100 feet of White’s Bridge. Entry Fees: Individual $25.00, Family $35.00 (2 Adults and up to 4 Children). Entries may be purchased via US Mail, online until 12 noon on Saturday, February 24th, or in-person at the following stores: Sebago Bait Shop – 483 Roosevelt Trail in Windham, Maine; Jordan Store – 8 Sebago Road in Standish, Maine Ways to Win! Top Prize $100,000 for catching a togue on Sebago larger than the state record. (31 pounds 8 ounces). Prizes for top 3 places for largest togue and top 3 largest pike. Fish pool prizes: every togue and pike weighed gets a chance to win Every entry goes into the Prize drawing of a 2018 Polaris Sportsman 450 ATV from Team Woody’s Performance Center (Even if you don’t fish!). Awards Ceremony – All prizes will be awarded at 6pm on Sunday, February 25th at the Windham Indoor Shooting Range located at 999 Roosevelt Trail in Windham, ME. FMI: (207) 892-0274, www.icefishingderby.com/sebago-derby/.
Feb. 24, Saturday, 11am-4pm, “Cabin Fever Reliever Living History Day,” stop by for some old-time fun and a celebration of President’s Day in 1870 with a special tribute to George Washington. Activities include horse-drawn sleigh rides (weather permitting), craft and game activities, the one-room schoolhouse, and tours of the 1867 Washburn family mansion. Norlands’ interpreters, portraying Washburn neighbors and farm help in the cottage, will bake a version of Martha Washington’s cake. Upon arrival, park by the church and walk up to towards the mansion. Purchase admission tickets in the gift shop. In case of bad weather, this event will be canceled by 9am the day of the event. Call the Norlands and listen to the outgoing message or check the Norlands Facebook Page or website for updates, $10/adults, $6/12 and under, free/5 and under, Norlands Living History Center, 290 Norlands Road, Livermore. FMI: 207-897-4366, norlands.org.
Feb. 24, Saturday, 12:30pm, “Met Opera Live in HD: La Boheme,” the world’s most popular opera returns in Franco Zeffirelli’s classic production, with a series of exciting casts. Angel Blue, Anita Hartig, and Sonya Yoncheva (left) share the role of the fragile Mimì, with Dmytro Popov, Russell Thomas, and Michael Fabiano alternating as the poet Rodolfo. Alexander Soddy and Marco Armiliato share conducting duties. Estimated run time – 3 hrs. Please note there will not be a catered lunch before the opera, but we will have coffee and light snacks available during intermission, $26/adults, $23/seniors, $18/students, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, 18 Bradley Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-9232, www.fryeburgacademy.org.
Feb. 25, Sunday, 8pm, “Shemekia Copeland,” whether she’s belting out a raucous blues-rocker, ring up a blistering soul-shouter, bringing the spirit to a gospel-fueled R&B rave-up or digging down into a subtle, country-tinged balled, Shemekia Copeland sounds like no one else, in a span of less than two decades, Shemekia Copeland has evolved from teenage upstart to one of the most prominent voices in the blues, $35+$4/handling fee, credit card are not accepted on site for food or beverage, Stone Mountain Arts Center. 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.

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