Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 5-11

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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 28-Oct.4
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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 5-11

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 5-11
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 5-11

“Mushroom Identification and Walk,” Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, Old Town

Oct. 5, Thursday, 6:30pm, “Full Moon Paddle,” enjoy gentle Pushaw Stream during the early evening hours. Life jackets, paddles and canoes provided. Bring long-sleeved shirt or lightweight jacket and pant and a flashlight. Meet in parking area at HWR Gate 3 (35 Hudson Rd, Alton), go on line to register, $10/nonmembers, $8/members and children under 12, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, 1107 West Old Town Rd, Old Town. FMI: 207-394-2171, www.hirundomaine.org.
Oct. 6, Friday, 5pm, “Downtown Bangor ArtWalk,” the Downtown Bangor Artwalk unites artists with downtown businesses to celebrate the diversity of arts in Bangor and is dedicated to the continued development of our community. Started in 2008 as an informal open-studio tour, the Artwalk brings hundreds of people to Bangor each year for evenings spent enjoying art, mingling with friends and dining in a wonderful array of restaurants, free, Downtown, Bangor. FMI: artwalkmaine.org.
Oct. 7, Saturday, 8:30am-7pm, “Lincoln Harvest Moon Festival,” We are kicking things off with a Harvest Moon Festival 5K Run/Walk at the Lincoln Walking Trail. There will also be a 400m Kids’ race. We have so many activities planned throughout the day. Boat rides, games, vendors, live music, local artisans and more! Then at 4pm we will be hosting a Farm to Family Dinner event. Discover Maine hospitality at its finest with mouth watering cuisine that is second to none, regionally grown, produced and cooked by our local chef to perfection all while sitting in a family style setting. Join us for a beautiful autumn evening in Lincoln, Downtown, Lincoln. FMI: lincolnmaine.org.
Oct. 7, Saturday, 10am-4pm, “Living History Days at the Maine Forest & Logging Museum,” our most popular event of the season! Featuring livestock, demonstrations, sawmills in action, and our restored Lombard running on steam power, $10, $5/children, Maine Forest & Logging Museum, Government Road, Rte 178, Bradley. FMI: 207-974-6278, www.maineforestandloggingmuseum.org.
Oct. 7, Saturday, 10am-2pm, “Mushroom Identification and Walk,” Take the first steps towards a safe meal from the forest by learning how to identify mushrooms properly. During this workshop Seanna Annis (State Mycologist), will introduce key elements of mushroom identification, take you on a foray and help you identify the collected specimens. We will be using the key: Mushrooms of Northeast North America by George Barron. If you are a beginner, you might consider borrowing a field guide so you can experiment with what suits you best. What to bring: Basket or a sturdy box/bucket to place mushrooms, Wax paper bags or small brown paper bags, Foldaway knife, Notebook, register on line, $10/members, $15/non-members, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, 1107 West Old Town Rd, Old Town. FMI: 207-394-2171, www.hirundomaine.org.
Oct. 7, Saturday, 1pm, “The Met: Live in HD Norma,” new production of Bellini’s masterpiece Norma. This opera is an extraordinary fusion of sublime melody, vocal challenge, and dramatic power. It examines an ageless and archetypal situation: a powerful woman compromises her ideals for love, only to find herself betrayed by her lover. But equally gripping is her relationship with the younger woman who is the new object of her former lover’s attention and in whom Norma sees both a rival and a second self, $25/adult, $20/senior, $10/student, Collins Center for the Arts, 2 Flagstaff Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1755, www.collinscenterforthearts.com.
Oct. 8, Sunday, 2pm, “Legends of the Night Sky: Perseus and Andromeda,” Perseus and Andromeda is a fun-filled story of the beautiful but unfortunate princess Andromeda, who in divine punishment for her mother’s bragging, is sacrificed to a sea monster—and rescued by the Greek hero Perseus. Brought to life by animated narrators Aesop the owl and Socrates the mouse as we follow Perseus on his quest to become a hero and slay Medusa. We learn how the constellations of the fall season were placed in the sky, forever turning overhead throughout the seasons. The program includes a live sky lecture showing where Perseus and Andromeda are located in the Autumn Skies, $4-$6, Emera Astronomy Center, 167 Rangeley Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1341, astro.umaine.edu.

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