Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 31-Sept.6

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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 24-30
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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 31-Sept.6

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 31-Sept.6
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 31-Sept.6

“Bangor Farmers’ Market, ”  Harlow Street, Bangor

Aug. 31, Thursday, 2-3pm, “Life of Trees,” join heeky ladybug called Dolores and a quirky firefly called Mike take the audience on an adventurous journey of exploration into the wondrous world of trees. Attend the Creepy Crawlies Educational Institution to find out how trees live and their importance to the wider environment. How do plants get their food from the Sun? How do they grow? How does water get from the roots to the top of the crown? And how does all this make life on our earth possible? The Life of Trees is a perfect planetarium show for the whole family that raises the awareness of protecting the natural environment in which we live, $6/adults, $5/senior citizens & students, $4/under 12, Emera Astronomy Center, 167 Rangeley Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1341, www.astro.umaine.edu.
Aug. 31, Thursday, 7:30pm, “Margaret Harper Organ Concert,” Margaret Harper of Portsmouth, New Hampshire performing music of Johann Sebastian Bach, César Franck, Nathan Stang, Camille Saint-Saëns, Matthew Locke, Max Reger, and Georg Böhm. Organist Margaret Harper has performed across the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Croatian newspaper Glas Slavonije writes, “The freezing cold of a January evening dominated the cathedral in Djakovo, but it could not diminish the richness and warmth of sound brought out of the cathedral organ by Margaret Harper,” free, St. John’s Catholic Church, 207 York Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-6941, stpaulbangor.me.
Sept. 1-4, Friday-Monday, all day events, “Harmony Free Fair,” midway, new food pavilion, horse show, truck pull and demolition derby, fireworks, and more, free, Harmony Fairgrounds, Route 154, Harmony. FMI: 207-683-5873, harmonyfreefair.weebly.com.
Sept. 1, Friday, 5-7pm, “1st Friday Wine Tasting,” join us for our monthly First Friday Tasting! Sample delicious wines (on sale) and munch on yummy appetizers from our cafe & deli. This month we are delighted to have with us Lone Spruce Farm with samples of their scrumptious artisan breads, Tiller & Rye, 20 South Main Street, Brewer. FMI: 207-573-4021, www.tillerandrye.com.
Sept. 1, Friday, 5-8pm, “Downtown Bangor Artwalk,” unites artists with downtown businesses to celebrate the diversity of arts in Bangor and is dedicated to the continued development of our community. Started in 2008 as an informal open-studio tour, the Artwalk brings hundreds of people to Bangor each year for evenings spent enjoying art, mingling with friends and dining in a wonderful array of restaurants, free, Downtown, Bangor. FMI: artwalkmaine.org.
Sept. 1, Friday, 7pm, “Carl Dimow and John Clark,” Maine-based flutist, guitarist, and composer Carl Dimow is an eclectic and creative musician. His performances range from classical music to jazz, from klezmer to blues, and from original music for theater and film to traditional folk music. He is noted for the high level of commitment, artistry and skill which he brings to every project he is involved in. Carl has appeared in concerts, festivals and school residencies in the U.S., Europe, and Central America. He performs with the Casco Bay Tummlers klezmer band who have toured throughout Europe and released three CD’s. Carl has also released two recordings with the Kolosko Dimow Duo. Other current projects include Bill Soliloquy and the Night Machine–dedicated to Carl’s original jazz compositions – and a variety of other groups exploring jazz, Brazilian music, Middle Eastern music, and free improvisation. In addition to concert flute and guitar, Carl also performs on bass flute, ukulele, shaku, $15, Surry Arts at the Barn, Cross Road, Surry. FMI: 1-888-552-8280, satb-surry.com.
Sept. 3, Sunday, 11am-2pm, “Bangor Farmers Market,” enjoy fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, naturally raised meats — including beef, pork and chicken — along with eggs, cheeses, baked goods, coffee, seedlings, cut flowers and so much more. 100% of the products at our market are produced by our member farms and food artisans, Abbott Parking Lot, Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-951-5953, bangorfarmersmarket.org.

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