Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 23-29

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 16-22
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 16-22
June 16, 2016
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 23-29
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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 23-29

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 23-29
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 23-29

“The Hyssongs,” Messiah Baptist Church, Bangor

June 23-26 and 27-28, Thursday-Sunday and Tuesday-Wednesday, 7pm/Thurs, Tues. and Wed, 8pm/Fri. and Sat, 3pm/Sat. and Sun, “Rock of Ages,” Rock of Ages will take you back to the times of big bands with big egos playing big guitar solos and sporting even bigger hair! This Tony Award-nominated Broadway musical features the unforgettable hits of the 1980s, including songs from Styx, Journey, Bon Jovi, Pat Benatar, Twisted Sister, Steve Perry, and Poison, and more, see site for ticketing details, Penobscot Theatre, Bangor Opera House, 131 Main Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-3333, www.penobscottheatre.org.
June 23, Thursday, 7:30pm, “Opera Selections,” selections from an opera in one act, “Until the War Is Over,” will be presented by the University of Maine School of Performing Arts, Black Box Theatre, Class of 1944 Hall, UMO, Orono. FMI: 207-581-4703, www.umaine.edu.
June 25, Saturday, 10am/events begin, “Outdoor Festival,” food, music, a color run, and activities for children, the event is sure to appeal to Bangor area residents of all ages. The event will feature a musical performance by Dean Ford and The Keepsakes from 12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Considered by many to be New England’s premier party band, this show will be filled with the biggest and most current pop/dance hits, along with a handful of throwback classics. Ford, a pop singer, songwriter, musician, and producer from Portland, Maine, has performed hundreds of live shows including playing as direct support for national bands Panic! At The Disco, Foxy Shazam, Fitz and The Tantrums, and Aaron Carter. The free concert will take place on an outdoor stage next to the Richard E. Dyke Center for Family Business on the campus of Husson University and is sponsored by Downeast Toyota. Participants in the “Run for the Gold” color walk/run will take over campus as part of Celebrate Husson! from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. This untimed walk/run is a chance for participants to dress up, get colorful, and have fun. As participants pass through color zones at different spots along the course, they will be covered in Husson “spirit,” made from cornstarch. Immediately following the color/walk run will be the outdoor festival. In addition to Dean Ford and The Keepsakes, the festival will feature food trucks, vendors, and activities for children. Children’s activities include a bouncy house, painting, and a variety of games. The Green and Gold Lobster Bake will take place in a tent next to the Beardsley Meeting House at 5:30 p.m. There are a limited number of tickets left for the lobster bake so those who are interested are encouraged make their reservations soon.Celebrate Husson! concludes with music from Los Lonely Boys. Part of the Waterfront Concert Series, this 7:30 p.m. performance in Husson University’s Gracie Theatre features a trio from San Angelo who play “Texican Rock n’ Roll,” a combination of rock and roll, Texas blues, brown-eyed soul, country, and Tejano. FREE; Color Run – $10 Registration; Lobster Bake – $20 adults and $12 Children 12 and under not eating lobster; Los Lonely Boys Concert – $50/person; Package Price for Lobster Bake and Los Lonely Boys Concert – $60/person, Husson University, One College Circle, Bangor. FMI: 207-941-7875, www.husson.edu/celebrate-husson.
June 25, Saturday, 12-3pm, “Strawberry Festival,” menu includes strawberry shortcakes, pies and sundaes with beverages, Stillwater Federated Church, 80 Bennoch Road, Old Town. FMI: 207-827-3530, www.bangordailynews.com.
June 25, Saturday, 6pm, “Local 772 Firefighters vs. Boston Red Sox Alumni,” Bangor Professional Fire Fighters IAFF Local 772, with the assistance of NECP, is sponsoring the Boston Red Sox Alumni Baseball Game at 6 p.m. Saturday, June 25, at Mansfield Stadium. Meet these former Red Sox celebrities for autographs, pictures and lots of laughs. Local sponsors will receive complimentary tickets to the game. Proceeds will benefit local youth athletics, local camps, Christmas gifts for needy families with children, families with children stricken by illness, scholarship funds, fellow firefighters and their families that have been stricken with serious illness or injuries and to assist with the overall betterment and operations of the Local 772, Mansfield Stadium, 115 13th Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-747-5277, www.iaff772.org.
June 26, Sunday, 6pm, “The Hyssongs,” gospel concert, family vocal harmony, humor and brass instruments (trumpet and trombone) to delight audiences with their Christ-centered message, shared through the powerful medium of music. The family’s classical music background along with their harmony and specific chord structures, lend them a unique sound that has made quite an impact on audiences, free, Messiah Baptist Church, 985 Union Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-947-7950, www.thehyssongs.com.
June 27, Monday, 5pm, “Orono’s Annual Tasting Bee,” the event will feature food samples from local restaurants and free drawings for many door prizes donated by local businesses, $10/adults, $5/6-12, free/under 6, Asa C. Adams School gym, 6 Goodridge Road, Orono. FMI: www.bangordailynews.com.

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