Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 31-Apr. 6

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 31-Apr. 6

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 31-Apr. 6
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 31-Apr. 6

“Met Opera Live in HD! Madama Butterfly,” Collins Center for the Arts, Orono

Mar. 31, Thursday, 6:30-8pm, “The Centennial of Acadia National Park and of the National Park Service,” Acadia National Park was recognized for its exceptional beauty, its power to inspire and as a recreational mecca when it was conserved 100 years ago. In honor of its centennial and that of the National Park service as well, Ken Olson will present the history of the park and the park service and provide information about centennial events. Ken is the past President and CEO of Friends of Acadia as well as other outdoor and environmental organizations. He was publisher and editor of AMC’s guidebooks and has been a hut master and general manager for AMC’s many remote huts, free, First Congregational Church of Brewer, 35 Church St, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7350, www.firstcongregationalbrewer.org.
Apr. 1, Friday, 7pm, “Jazz Concert,” Sentimental Journey is an 18 piece jazz orchestra. If you haven’t heard us, you’re in for a treat. We have a huge book that features a wide selection of music. From Al Jarreau’s “We’re In This Love Together” to Benny Goodman’s “Sing, Sing, Sing” to the music of Quincy Jones and other great jazz arrangers and composers. And, we feature the wonderful vocal talents of Ms. Alice French, free, The Gracie Theater, 1 College Circle, Husson University, Bangor. FMI: 207-326-0663, www.gracietheatre.com.
Apr. 1-2, Friday-Saturday, 6pm, “Hee Haw Hayride,” a musical in two acts will be staged by the 96 members of the Center Drive School drama club, The show includes a 15-minute intermission when concessions stands will be open. A pie auction also will be held after each show to raise funds for next year’s performance, $5, $3/students and seniors, Center Drive school Gymnasium, 17 School St, Orrington. FMI: 207-825-3697, www.bangordailynews.com.
Apr. 2, Saturday, 1pm, “Met Opera Live in HD! Madama Butterfly,” Anthony Minghella’s breathtaking production has thrilled audiences ever since its premiere in 2006. Two of the world’s foremost Butterflys, sopranos Kristine Opolais and Patricia Racette, share the title role. Tenors Massimo Giordano and Roberto Alagna sing Pinkerton, the naval officer who breaks Butterfly’s heart. Karel Mark Chichon conducts, see site for ticketing details, Collins Center for the Arts, UMO, Orono. FMI: 1-800-622-8499, www.collinscenterforthearts.com.
Apr. 2, Saturday, 7pm, “Tom Dean, “Independent Songwriter magazine says Tom Dean’s music is “exciting, mystical, haunting, (and) impassioned” and that he’s one of the best musicians “walking the planet,” $12, East Sangerville Grange, East Sangerville Rd, Sangerville. FMI: 207-564-8596, www.mpbn.net.
Apr. 3, Sunday, 7-10am, “Sunday Maple Breakfast,” sponsored by dozens of local businesses throughout the region, syrup donated by Bob’s Sugar House, menu includes French-toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, homemade home-fries, and everyone’s favorite pancakes, beverage choices include coffee, tea, milk or juice, pay to get in and eat to your heart’s content, $6/adults, $5/over 65 and children 10 and under, $25/familes up to 6 members, Foxcroft Academy, 975 W Main St, Dover-Foxcroft. FMI: www.bangordailynews.com.
Apr. 6, Wednesday, 5-8:30pm, “17th Annual Pops Concert and Spaghetti Dinner,” sponsored by the Brewer Music Association and Brewer Music Department with performances by the BCS band and BHS concert band, dinner includes spaghetti, meatballs, salad, bread, drinks, and desert, concert includes selections: Skygazer Fanfare, Saxes Will Rock!, and John Williams: Movie Adventures, Exaltation, Saturday in the Park, and Brass Machine, $10/adults, $7/students, separate prices available for those that wish to attend just dinner or the concert, Brewer Performing Arts Center, 92 Pendleton St, Brewer. FMI: 207-200-5447, www.brewerperformingarts.com.

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