“Madeleine Peyroux,” Jonathan’s Restaurant, Ogunquit
Nov. 19, Thursday, 12pm, “Restoring the Mayflower II: The Need for Large Trees,” the Mayflower II has been undergoing restoration since 2013 in Plymouth, MA and Mystic, CT since 2013. University of Kentucky forestry professor Terry Conners will discuss the challenges in finding suitable timber for the historic restoration, highlighting the current misguided over-reliance on short-term management of the nation’s forests. Conners, who has scoured the eastern seaboard for the past several years sourcing large diameter white oak for the restoration, says charismatic projects such as the Mayflower provide an opportunity to reintroduce very long-term forest management objectives to landowners, loggers and wood processors, bring your bag lunch, $2, Mather Auditorium, Wells Reserve, 342 Laudholm Farm Rd, Wells. FMI: 207-646-1555, www.forestworksme.org.
Nov. 21, Saturday, 6-9pm, “Festival of Trees Holiday GALA,” get gussied up and bring your friends for an evening of holiday cheer. Enjoy wine and refreshments imbued with the magic of Christmas and live jazz performed by the The Mike Arciero Duo. First chance to buy raffle tickets, $20, Saco Museum, 371 Main St, Saco. FMI: 207-283-3861, www.sacomuseum.org.
Nov. 21, Saturday, 7:30pm, “Peter and Will Anderson Trio,” ”Virtuosos on clarinet and saxophone,” (New York Times) Maryland natives Peter and Will Anderson were drawn to jazz at a very young age. While still teenagers, they toured the United Kingdom, performed on Capitol Hill, and were featured on television. After studying with saxophonist Paul Carr, Peter and Will attended Juilliard in New York City, where they currently reside. They’ve performed with jazz greats James Moody, Hank Jones, Clark Terry, Frank Wess and Benny Golson, $20-$23, Saco River Theatre, 28 Salmon Falls Rd, Bar Mills. FMI: 207-929-6472, www.sacorivertheatre.org.
Nov. 21, Saturday, 8pm, “Keep Me in Your Heart for A While: The Best of Madeleine Peyroux,” the only thing that matters is the song’ says singer songwriter Madeleine Peyroux. A conviction that along with a ‘one of a kind ’ voice has carried the award winning artist from busking on the streets of Paris, all the way to stardom. Sixteen years after her Dreamland debut, it is not hard to see why Peyroux’s genre defying blend of jazz and pop continues to enthrall the music world. Through six universally praised albums ‘Jazz’s brightest star’ has gained a reputation for an impeccable choice of material, creating a genuine buzz of anticipation amongst fans and the industry at large, $73.50/advance, $75.50/day of show, Jonathans Ogunquit, 92 Bourne Lane, Ogunquit. FMI: 207-646-4777, www.jonathansogunquit.com.
Nov. 22, Sunday, 9am, “Pilgrim Day 5K Run/Walk,” run, jog or walk to the finish line! First 100 registered will receive a free t-shirt, day of registration and check in opens on site, this is a fun event for the whole family, $20, free/4 and under, Walter Marsh Recreation Area, Wells Rec. Par, 412 Branch Rd, Wells. FMI: 207-646-5826, www.wellsrec.org.
Nov. 22, Sunday, 11:30am, “Interpretive Geology Walk & Picnic,” colliding continents? Underground volcanoes? Exciting times are afoot in Maine! Curious about the Acadian Orogeny? Ever heard of the Biddeford Pluton, join Master Naturalist Denise Bluhm and the Maine Island Trail Association for a 500 million year geologic tour of Southern Maine and discover the dikes, folds, faults, and rocks and minerals of Timber Island. We will explore the area, learn about the powerful forces that shaped the region – and have a picnic! Registered participants should meet at the parking lot at the end of Timber Point Road at 11:30am. This will be a 2 hour leisurely paced walk around Timber Point and out to Timber Island. We will be walking along the rocky, often slippery shoreline. Decent balance is required and walking sticks may be helpful. Please bring a lunch, dress for the weather and wear sturdy footwear. No pets please, for ages 10+, Timber Point, 1 Timber Point Road, Biddeford. FMI: 207-699-4370, www.mita.org/calendar.
Nov. 22, Sunday, 3pm, “Jim Prendergast & Ellen Carlson – Vintage Country Music,” Guitarist/vocalist Jim Prendergast and fiddler Ellen Carlson treat audiences to a journey through the classic repertoire of vintage country music, from the Carter Family to Willie Nelson, Jim spent over 30 years in Nashville, playing sessions and live gigs, and now makes his home in New Hampshire, Ellen is recognized as one of the Granite State’s finest fiddlers, and maintains an active schedule of performing and teaching, $15, $10/youth and seniors, West Kennebunk United Methodist Church, 160 Alfred Rd., West Kennebunk. FMI: 207-985-2831, www.westkennebunkumc.net.