Square Pond Improvement Association in southern Maine spreads word, not invasive plant

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Square Pond Improvement Association in southern Maine spreads word, not invasive plant

Square Pond Improvement Association in southern Maine spreads word, not invasive plant
Square Pond Improvement Association in southern Maine spreads word, not invasive plant

A pleasant day on Square Pond in Acton and Shapleigh, Maine

Square Pond Improvement Association in southern Maine spreads word, not invasive plant
by Leigh Macmillen Hayes
When I asked Bill Kilgus, president of the Square Pond Improvement Association in Shapleigh and Acton, if I could use their blog post about European Naiad for Mr. Lakefront, he said, “Yes, please do. The more information out there, the better.”






European Naiad (Najas minor) is an acquatic invasive found growing in the submersed plant community of lakes and ponds. Maine has three native naiad species, but Najas minor is believed to have been introduced to the US in the early 1900s. It’s been growing in other New England states for some time.
In late September, “biologists from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), together with their New Hampshire counterparts, confirmed a discovery of this invasive species in a 1040-acre impoundment within Salmon Falls River, a border water body with shorelines in Lebanon and Acton, Maine and Milton, New Hampshire. The impoundment includes Northeast, Milton and Town House Ponds.
Able to overtake native lake habitats by shading and outcompeting ecologically valuable aquatic plants, European naiad grows from an annual seed into 7-foot long plants. A productive, one-acre infestation can generate tens of millions of seeds per season. Dense infestations can alter water chemistry and oxygen levels.




European Naiad Photo: Don Cameron, Maine Natural Areas Program. Drawing: USDA NRSC


‘We’re finding well-established populations in Northeast Pond and in the narrow thoroughfare leading to Milton Pond with the thickest growth in northern portions of Northeast Pond,’ says biologist John McPhedran of the Maine DEP. ‘It is our immediate objective to monitor the extent of this infestation throughout the entire impoundment so that we can consider response options with New Hampshire for 2016.’
The infestation was first documented in early September by an area volunteer citizen scientist. Subsequent monitoring has been provided by trained volunteers coordinated by the York County Soil and Water Conservation District, the local interstate Three Ponds Protective Association, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) and Maine DEP.
European naiad has been confirmed in one small Maine Pond in Kittery and in a handful of New Hampshire water bodies this growing season.
The invasive plant had been documented previously in two New Hampshire water bodies, but populations declined on their own without management, according to Amy Smagula of the New Hampshire DES. ‘European naiad has not been a common problem species in this area, though with several new infestations documented in New Hampshire in 2015, that may be about to change. It warrants further investigation.’
Maine DEP and NH DES have distributed invasive species warning signs to be posted at boat ramps urging boaters to inspect for and remove plant debris before and after accessing the impoundment. Also notified were boat ramp and other land owners, fishing tournament organizers, and fisheries and warden services from both states.
Maine has been fortunate in recent years to remove water bodies from the statewide list of infestations. To date, of Maine’s 5,700 named water bodies, only 46 are now documented as infested.”
We’re thankful that keen eyes of a citizen scientist spotted and reported this invasion. It’s important that we all check our boats, trailers and fishing equipment so we don’t give aquatic hitchhikers a ride to other lakes and ponds in Maine. Spread the word, not the plant.
To learn more about lakefront property for sale on Square Pond, click on the green button above.
To learn more about Square Pond and the Acton/Shapleigh area, check out the blog links below.
Square Pond in Shapleigh, Maine Provides Perfect Setting for Lakeside Relaxation
Ten Ponds and Lakes for Vacations and Recreation in Acton, Maine
Great Fishing on Mousam and other Lakes in Shapleigh, Maine




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