Maine Land Trusts Benefit Lakefront Properties

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 2-8
April 2, 2015
Out and About for the Mid-Coast Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 9-15
April 8, 2015

Maine Land Trusts Benefit Lakefront Properties

Maine Land Trusts Benefit Lakefront Properties
Maine Land Trusts Benefit Lakefront Properties

Colorful Tapestry on Phillips Lake, Dedham, Maine

by Leigh Macmillen Hayes
As lakefront property owners, we want above average water quality and we want to be close to nature. That’s not too much to ask for, is it?
Maine would be a different place without its lakes and ponds, as well as the black bears, moose, deer, bobcats, otter, snowshoe hare and other wildlife that move about in search of food, mates and shelter.





The loss of natural vegetated buffers, disturbances along a lake’s edge and runoff from camp roads and driveways all have a negative impact on water quality and all who depend on it. Protecting the watershed and wildlife should be a priority for all of us.
That’s where land trusts step in. Land trusts throughout Maine, like the Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust, focus their efforts on protecting riparian lands and adjacent uplands—thus protecting water quality and creating wildlife corridors.
As a non-profit organization, land trusts work to conserve land through donations, purchases and conservation easements in order to maintain a healthy ecosystem and pure water. Their goal is to manage the lands for which they are responsible in an environmentally sustainable manner in order to protect the natural and cultural resources of their particular watersheds for the benefit of this and future generations. Ultimately, this protects community resources—including places for recreation and reflection.
Because the protected land often is open to the public and maintained by volunteer stewards, trail systems offer all an opportunity to explore. Frequently through the seasons, paid staff and volunteers offer guided hikes with themes ranging from animal tracking to mushroom foraging. Along the way, they share their knowledge and sense of wonder. Participants come away with new natural history knowledge and, most importantly, an understanding and appreciation of why land conservation is important.
Investing your time and money into both your local land trust and lake association is a win-win situation for you, your lake and the mammals of Maine.
To learn more about lakefront properties for sale on Phillips Lake in Dedham Township, click on the green box above.
To learn more about lakes with above average water quality, check out the blog links below.
Phillips Lake, Dedham Township, Maine: Own Lakefront Property in “The Switzerland of Maine”
Swan Lake, Swanville, Maine Offers Lakefront Property Owners Crystal Clear Waters
Maine Lakefront Property Owners Benefit By Joining Lake Association


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