“Chamberlain – A Civil War Romance,” Brumswick
June 26, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., “Double or Nothing,” juggling, comedy, magic and mayhem! Steve and Shane Miclon have joined forces to create a truly unique show, featuring zany humor, insane juggling feats, and endless off-the-wall antics, their professional careers have brought them all across the US and beyond with highlights including Disney Cruise Lines and Cirque Mechanic, with fast-paced juggling routines, escape artistry, contortion, physical comedy, LED light shows and original music, “Double or Nothing” is a sure bet for spectacular, family-friendly entertainment, $15 adult, $12 student seniors, Freeport Theatre of Awesome, 5 Depot Street, Freeport. FMI: 207-675-4000, www.theaterofawesome.com.
June 26, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., “Chamberlain – A Civil War Romance,” CHAMBERLAIN – debuted on the MSMT stage 18 years ago. For this season’s updated version of the musical, we enlisted the creative team from last year’s Les Miserables to rework the complex and epic story of Civil War hero Joshua Lawrence and his wife, Fanny, against a backdrop of thrilling music, grand battle scenes and a compelling romance, the newly revised CHAMBERLAIN explores his heroic participation in the Battle of Gettysburg and his impact on the State of Maine, don’t miss the colossal stage sets, period costumes and the true story of a life lived more than a hundred years ago yet still relevant today, $38 – $63, contact venue for ticketing information, Maine State Music Theatre, 1 Bath Road, Brunswick. FMI: 207-725-, www.msmt.org.
June 27, Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., “Keeping Warm in 18th Century Maine,” Blankets, coverlets, bed rugs and quilts – and their materials, workshops on dying and bed rugs, nationally known presenters – President of Museum of American Coverlet, Weaver-Dyer from Colonial Williamsburg., 18thC life and quilt experts, exhibits at 3 Lincoln County museums, $95 for 2 days (includes, 2 lunches) good for admission to 3 museums until Oct., Pownalborough Courthouse, Courthouse Lane, Dresden. FMI: 207-522-8565, www.lincolncountyhistory.org.
June 27, Friday, 11:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., “First Parish Church Strawberry Festival,” the annual strawberry festival to benefit the music program will be held at the gazebo on the Brunswick mall. Freshly picked strawberries will be for sale, as will strawberry sundaes, homemade jams, strawberry-rhubarb pies, and traditional strawberry shortcakes, Brunswick Mall, Gazebo, Brunswick. FMI: 207-729-7331, www.firstparish.net.
June 27, Friday, 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., “Games Day,” Party Bridge, and Mah Jongg games to be played at St. Andrews’ Village, ticket sales benefit P.E.O. a Philanthropic Educational Organization which raises money for scholarships, $12.50 per person, contact venue for ticketing information, St. Andrews Village, 145 Emery Way, Boothbay Harbor. FMI: 207-633-6891, www.peochapterg.maine.org.
June 28, Saturday, 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., “1st Annual Family Fun Run, Walk, or Roll,” this 5k is to raise money to send kids to Camp NEOFA located in Montville, early registration $25, onsite registration $30, contact venue for ticketing information, Camp NEOFA, Trues Pond, Montville. FMI: 207-313-4764, www.campneofa.org.
June 28, Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., “St. Phillips 62nd Strawberry Festival,” Strawberry shortcakes w/ native berries, homemade biscuit, real whipped cream. Craftspeople, silent auction, noontime pie auction, hot dog stand, children’s play area, entertainment, bake table, Bargain Basement with good stuff cheap, St. Phillip’s Church, 12 Hodge Street, Wiscasset. FMI: 207-882-7184, www.saintphilips.org.