Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 19-25

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine June 19-25
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine June 19-25
June 19, 2014
Gorgeous Views From Lindal Cedar Lakefront Home For Sale on Estes Lake, Sanford, Maine
June 19, 2014

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 19-25

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 19-25
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 19-25

“Pleasant Mountain Fiber Arts Workshop,” Brownfield

June 19, Thursday, 6:30pm., “Loons!” Maine Audubon’s wildlife bioligist Susan Gallo is back to talk about Maine’s Loon.   Learn about a year in a life of a Maine Loon.  Filled with beautiful photos, sounds and even video, this slideshow will answer all the questions you have about Maine’s Common Loon, free, Lakes Environmental Association,  230 Main Street, Bridgton.  FMI:  207-647-8580, www.mainelakes.org.
June 20, Friday, 8:00 p.m. Showtime, bar and lobby open at 5:00 p.m., “Paula Poundstone,” Wooohoooo..Paula’s back again…..our favorite funny girl. An NPR darling, heard on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, Paula has been making us laugh almost every year since we have opened, she is hysterical, witty, and her improv with the audience is the highlight of the evening, a quick sell out every time, so get your ticket early, $55 per person, $4 handling fee, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.
June 20 – 22, Friday – Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., “Pleasant Mountain Fiber Arts Workshops,” three days of informal intensive fiber arts workshops, best instruction for lowest cost. A wide variety of offerings. Small classes, learn from experienced instructors from all over New England, come for one day or all three, lunch available, Brownfield Community Center, 90 Main Street, Brownfield. FMI: 207-452-2687, www.pinestarstudio.com.
June 21, Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., “Falmouth Garden Tour,” Visit some of Falmouth’s beautiful private gardens during the self-guided Falmouth Garden Tour to benefit Falmouth Memorial Library, tickets cost $20 in advance; $25 the day of the tour, Falmouth Memorial Library, Falmouth. FMI: 207-781-2351, www.falmouthmemoriallibrary.org.
June 21, Saturday, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., “Organic Valley Farm Discovery,” come visit an organic farm and meet your local Organic Valley farm family, you’ll walk the pastures, make butter, feed baby calves and learn more about where your food comes from, to RSVP for your space on the tour, driving directions, and to “meet” your farmer hosts by video, free event, Nezinscot Farm, 284 Turner Center Road, Turner. FMI: 888-444-6455, www.organicvalley.coop.
June 21, Saturday, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., “Denmark Squared,” join trombonist Andreas Clemmensen and trumpeter Marianne Anker-Pederse, from the other Denmark, for a special evening celebrating our town’s namesake through music, with selections from Danish composers, including Axel Jørgensen, Carl Nielsen, and Thorvald Hansen. Sponsored by the Danish Consulate of New York, donations suggested, Denmark Arts Center, 50 West Main Street, Denmark. FMI: 207-452-2412, www.denmarkarts.org.
June 21, Saturday, events throughout the day, “Summerfest,” start your day with a Parade, end it with an eye opening, fireworks show and fill in the middle with food, entertainment and great family fun. We hope you spend the day with us and enjoy all that we have to offer, no admission, Windham High School, 406 Gray Road, Windham. FMI: 207-892-1810, www.windhamsummerfest.com.

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