Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 22-28

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine May 22-28
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine May 22-28
May 22, 2014
Small is Beautiful at Lakefront Camp on Mousam Lake in Shapleigh, Maine
Small is Beautiful at Lakefront Camp on Mousam Lake in Shapleigh, Maine
May 22, 2014

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 22-28

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 22-28
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 22-28

“Memorial Day Songo River Queen II Cruise,” Naples

May 23-26, Friday-Monday, 10am/opens, 11am and 2pm/tours,”Lilac Festival,” takes place at McLaughin Gardens, over 125 different variations of lilacs which are uniquely planted with perennials, gorgeous wildflower bloom overlapping, and set into forest-like environment, $5, McLaughlin Garden and Homestead, 97 Main Street, South Paris.  FMI:  207-743-8820, www.mclaughlingarden.org.
May 23, Friday, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., “The Norman Magic Experience,” not recommended for young children, his show is to benefit Safe Passage, a mission working with very low income children living in the Guatemala City garbage dump, tickets $10, First Parish Church, 1 Church Street, Gorham. FMI: 207-642-5904, www.firstparishgorham.org.
May 24, Saturday, 7:30am, “Bird Walk at Maggie Ring Nature Park,” Meet at the trailhead for a 7:30 start.  Walk will be approximately 2 hours.  Dress for weather, bugs, walking and wet footing.  Morning refreshments will be available. Sponsored by Mahoosuc Land Trust.  Directions:  From north: In Locke Mills, take Howe Hill Road off Route 26. In .1 miles, turn left onto Greenwood Road.  Parking lot will be on the right in 1.4 miles.  From South:  Turn onto Greenwood Road from Route 219 in W. Paris; drive 5.7 miles and look for parking lot on the left.  The walk will go on if the weather is misty, but will not happen in steady rain, free, Greenwood. FMI: 207-824-3806, www.mahoosuc.org.
May 24 and 25, Saturday and Sunday, 8am, “Friends Annual Plant Sale,” enjoy great bargains on annual and perennial flowers, vegetables and floral baskets, free to browse, Maine Wildlife Park, 56 Game Farm Road, Gray. FMI: 207-287-8000, www.wildlifeparkfriends.org.
May 25, Sunday, 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m., ” Memorial Day Songo River Queen II Cruise,” The SONGO RIVER QUEEN II is a privately built replica of the famed Mississippi River Paddle Wheelers, The QUEEN is 93 feet long, 23 feet wide, and tips the scales at 100 tons, enabling it to offer an exceptionally smooth ride for even the most timid of passengers, built in 1982, the QUEEN is meticulously cleaned and maintained to the highest of standards, she is rated for up to 350 passengers and is handicapped accessible, The QUEEN has two decks including an open upper deck with an attractive red striped canopy for protection from the sun and rain, as well as a fully enclosed lower deck, and there are restrooms on board, $25 Adults, $13 children, under 4 free, group rates $2 off adult ticket, $1 children ticket, Songo River Queen II, Located at the Causeway in Naples, Route 302, Naples. FMI: 207-693-6861, www.songoriverqueen.net.
May 25, Sunday, 7:30 p.m., “Seacoast Wind Ensemble,” White Mountain Musical Arts invites the community to attend the 8th annual Memorial Weekend Concert featuring the Seacoast Wind Ensemble. The performance is a Sousa – style 50 piece band – has been underwritten by retired Air Force officers, Lt. Col. Jim and Col. Karen Umberger whose generous donation permits the presentation of this exciting concert free of charge, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, 18 Bradley St., Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-9232, www.fryeburgacademy.org/pac.
May 25, Sunday, 8:00 p.m. showtime, “Jonathan Edwards,” Now listen! He always sells out…and this is Memorial Day Weekend, so get your tickets early!! Barefoot and tanned, Jonathan Edwards has never looked and sounded better, of course he is known for his big hits, like “Sunshine” and “Shanty”, but his music is as fresh now as when those tunes made him famous, four decades into a stellar career of uncompromising musical integrity, the man simply delivers, night after night – songs of passion, songs of insight, songs of humor, all rendered in that pure and powerful tenor which, like fine wine, has only grown sweeter with age, $33 per person, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.

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