Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 10-16

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Regions of Maine Oct. 10-16
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Regions of Maine Oct. 10-16
October 9, 2013
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 10-16
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 10-16
October 9, 2013

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 10-16

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 10-16
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 10-16

“Trolley Tour,” Bath

Oct. 10-15, Thursday-Tuesday closed Mondays, Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sunday 2 p.m.-5p.m., “Off to a Rocky Start: The Croker Land Expedition,” in the summer of 1913, Donald B. MacMillan set sail for the far north, leading a major expedition to conduct scientific research and find “Crocker Land,” a distant landmass that Robert E. Peary had sighted to the northwest of the known Arctic Islands. Find out what went wrong and what went right for MacMillan and his companions through the first months of what was supposed to be a two-year expedition, free admission, Bowdoin college, 9500 College Street, Brunswick, FMI: 207-725-3416, www.bowdoincollege.com.
Oct. 11, Friday, 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., “Farmer’s market,” delicious products from local farmers and vendors, free and open to the public, at the Mall on Maine Street, in downtown Brunswick between Park Row and Maine Street, Brunswick, FMI: 207-966-2363, www.maineinfo.com.
Oct. 11, Friday, 4:00-7:00p.m.,“Wine and Cheese Festival,” presenting international wines, samples of Maine cheeses that enhance the tastes of wine, live jazz music, $27 per couple or $15 per individual, Southwest Harbor and Tremont Chamber of Commerce, 329 Main Street, Southwest Harbor, FMI: 207-244-9264, www.acadia.oktoberfest.com.
Oct. 12, Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., “Rockport Farmer’s Market,” organic eggs and produce, pasterized pork, beef, and poultry; pies, breads, sandwiches, fresh and aged cheeses, free and open to the public, Rockport Marketplace, 461 Commercial Street, Rockport, FMI: 207-236-8895, www.maineinfo.com.
Oct. 12-13, Saturday, 10:00 a.m., “Trolley Tour,” this one-hour trolley tour takes you behind the gates of Bath Iron Works to see how modern U.S. Navy destroyers are built and learn why the phrase “Bath Built is Best Built” rings true at this ultra-modern facility, adults $27 members, $35 non-members, Youth $17, tour not recommended for children under 12, also includes the admission to the museum, Maine Maritime Museum, 243 Washington Street, Bath, FMI: 207-443-1316, www.bathmaine.com.
Oct. 12-13, Saturday-Sunday, 10:00 a.m.-2:00p.m., “Pumpkin Hayrides,” climb aboard the tractor for a ride out to the pumpkin patch, there you will learn about the life cycle of pumpkins and pick out your favorite to take home, $6 per person, $20 for a family (including pumpkin pies,) Little River Farmhouse, Wolf’s Neck Farm, 184 Burnett Road, Freeport, FMI: 207-865-4469, www.wolfsneckfarm.org.
Oct. 12-13, Saturday-Sunday, “Fall Foliage Festival,” superb crafts, great food, and entertainment, free and open to the public, Boothbay Railway Village, 586 Wiscasset Road, Route 27, Boothbay, FMI: 207-633-4727, www.railwayvillage.com.
Oct. 14, Monday, 2:00-5:00 p.m., “Free Mask and Puppet Making Workshop for Kids,” taught by Shoestring Theatre, Maines’s longest running community puppet theatre, free event, Gamble Education Center, Farnsworth Art Museum, 16 Museum Street, Rockland, FMI: 207-596-6457, www.farnsworthmuseum.org.

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