Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Regions of Maine Sept. 19-25

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Regions of Maine Sept. 19-25

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Regions of Maine Sept. 19-25
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Regions of Maine Sept. 19-25

“Holden Fall Frolic,” Holden

Sept. 20, Friday, 7:30-9pm, “Dear Darwin,” members Nancy Ellen Ogle and Ginger Yang Hwalek will present a concert, “Dear Darwin,” celebrating their forthcoming CD of this new song cycle on Parma Recordings. Based on a book of poems by Kathleen Lignell Ellis, these twenty-six songs comprise an “abc-darium,” engaging Darwin’s ideas from the point of view of each letter of the alphabet. Music composed by Scott Brickman, who will also narrate the program, with visual projections and graphics by Susan Groce, $9, Minsky Recital Hall, 5788 Class of 1944 Hall, Orono. FMI: 207-581-4703, www.collinscenterforthearts.com.
Sept. 20, Friday, 8:30-11:30pm, “Gary and the Pacemakers, Final Performance,” For over a decade Gary and the Pacemakers, the faculty band of Unity College, has been performing rock classics. This will be their final performance. Witness Maine rock history in the making, Unity College Student Center, 90 Quaker Hill Road. FMI: 207-948-9292, www.unity.edu.
Sept. 21, Saturday, 8:30am-4pm, Silhouette Artists, part of the Maine Genealogical Society, freehand cut silhouettes of children and adults, done from live five minute sittings, $30/two mirror image profiles, $25/single cuts, Jeff’s Catering and Event Center, 15 Littlefield Way, Brewer. FMI: 866-212-7288, www.ArtfulHeirlooms.com.
Sept, 21, Saturday, 9am-3pm, Holden Fall Frolic, there will be vendors, a food truck, live music, Touch a Truck, yard sale, craft fair, free Lowe’s Build-and Grow projects, live auction at 2:30pm, dunk tank, Darling’s Ice Cream for a Cause, bounce house, NFLF pass, punt and kick competition for kids at 1pm, fire prevention smoke trailer and fire station open house 9am-3pm, Holden Town Hall, Holden Elementary school, Holden. FMI: 207-843-5151, www.bangordailynews.com.
Sept. 21, Saturday, 10am-4pm, Hike Flying Moose Mountain, bring snacks or lunch, water and rugged footwear for this three-hour moderate to strenuous walk with Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust President Sarah LeVine, Wildlands South Gate, Route 1, Orland. FMI: 207-667-1293, www.greatpondtrust.org.
Sept. 21, Saturday, 4-5pm, “Planetarium Show: Cosmic Colors,” From northern lights to garden flowers, color fills our lives and “Cosmic Colors” explains how we use the rainbow to see, understand and explore our universe. An explanation of more active Northern Lights and a tour of the night sky prepares visitors for the omnidome adventure, “Cosmic Colors”., $3, UMaine Maynard F. Jordan Planetarium, 5781 Wingate Hall, 120 Munson Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1341, www.galaxymaine.com.
Sept. 21-22, Friday-Saturday, 5-10pm/Friday 7pm/show Saturday, 24-Hour Playwrighting Festival, in a period of 24 hours, participants will write, rehearse, and perform a series of original 10-minute plays, $5/show, Ten-Bucks Theatre, 1387 Main Road, Eddington-Clifton Center, Eddington. FMI: 207-884-1030, www.tenbuckstheatre.org.

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