Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 12-18

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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 12-18

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 12-18
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 12-18

“Oxford County Fair,” Oxford

Sept. 12-14, Thursday-Sunday, daily events, Oxford County Fair, livestock shows, animal pulling events, midway, crafts, exhibits and harness racing, $5/Thursday and Friday, $10/Saturday, free/under 5, Oxford Fairgrounds, 69 Pottle Road, Oxford. FMI: 207-739-2204, www.oxfordcountyfair.com.
Sept. 13, Friday, 8-9:30pm, Maine-ly Brass: A Tribute to Philip Jones Brass Ensemble and the London Brass, Betty Rines, USM trumpet faculty member, along with USM faculty and alumni, will commemorate a Brittish trumpeter and his unique brass ensemble in the season-opening performance of the Faculty Concert Series, $5-$15, Corthell Concert Hall, USM Gorham Campus, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5555, www.usm.maine.edu.
Sept. 13, Friday, 8pm, Suzy Bogus, one of the most acclaimed female country singers of the late 80s and 90s, Suzy has a unique ability to balance country tradition with a contemporary mainstream sensibility. She has one platinum and three gold albums, six top ten singles, and has won the Academy of Country Music’s award for Top New Female Vocalist (1988) and the Country Music Association’s Horizon Award (1992), $45, Stone Mountain Arts Center 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.
Sept. 14 and 15, Saturday and Sunday, 10am – 4pm, Shaker Hill Apple Festival, arts and crafts fair, wagon rides, Shaker Museum exhibits, kids’ activities, antique car rides and music, Shaker Village, Alfred. FMI: 207-324-1137, www.shakerhillapplefestival.org.
Sept. 14, Saturday, 5-6pm, Bean Supper, 3 kinds of beans, hot dogs, brown bread, rolls, salads and homemade pies, $8/adults, $4/12 and under, Standish Congregational Church, 25 Oak Hill Road, Standish. FMI: 207-642-3386, www.standishcc.org.
Sept. 14, Saturday, 7-9pm, Downeasters Barbershop Chorus with special guest Flashpoint, The Downeasters sing barbershop harmony and have been entertaining fans in Greater Portland for almost 65 years! The chorus is made up of about 35 men ranging from twenty something’s to eighty something’s who all share a common passion for singing great harmony. They come from all over southern Maine with several members from the Windham/Raymond area including the conductor, Jack Baggs, and our very own MWAM member, Wally Duplessie. The Downeasters concert will feature several chapter quartets, and will also include special guests, Flashpoint!, a women’s barbershop quartet. Flashpoint!’s voices are… ‘as strong as the coffee they drink, the hairspray they use and the friendship they’ve shared for decades,’ part of the Music with a Mission series, $12/adults, $10/seniors, students and children, North Windham Union Church, 723 Roosevelt Trail, Windham. FMI: 207-892-7149, www.eventspublicbroadcasting.net.
Sept. 14, Saturday, 7:30-9pm, “A Couple of Blaguads, a two-character comedy with incidental music, created by the brothers Frank McCourt and Malachy McCourt. These master raconteurs have laced their combined experiences growing up in Ireland, and their escape to America into a vaudeville of comedy, Irish songs and a gallery of relatives, rogues, fools and petty tyrants — priestly and otherwise presented by AIRE theater, Maine’s Irish Theater Company, see site for ticketing information, Deertrees Theatre, 156 Deertrees Road, Harrison. FMI: 207-583-6747, www.airetheater.com.

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