Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12
June 5, 2013
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12
June 5, 2013

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12

“Charlotte’s Web,” Maine State Music Theatre, Brunswick

June 6, Thursday, 7-9pm, Camden Library Coffeehouse features Songwriters, he songwriters have been working all winter to write and polish their songs and it’s time for a public performance. The evening will also include musical appearances by longtime favorites Jim James and David Dodson, who led the sessions, donations accepted, Camden Public Library, 55 Main Street, Camden. FMI: 207-236-3440, www.camden.lib.me.us.
June 7-9, Friday-Sunday, 7pm/Friday and Saturday, 2pm/Sunday, “Pygmalion,” Midcoast Actors’ Studio opens its second season with George Bernard Shaw’s classic play that inspired My Fair Lady, $10, Troy Howard Middle School Stage, 173 Lincolnville Avenue, Belfast. FMI: 207-323-6251, www.midcoastactors.org.
June 8, Saturday, 7-9pm, Meteora Concert, The eclectic folk trio Meteora (Kat Logan, Jim Loney and Will Brown) will give a concert, $12-16, Unitarian Universalist Church of Belfast, 37 Miller Street, Belfast. FMI: 207-789-5276, www.uubelfast.org.
June 8 and 9, Saturday and Sunday, 7pm/Saturday, 3pm/Sunday, “Love and Landscape,” Vox Nova Chamber Choir will present a concert of modern choral music, the program features works by Lauridsen, Whitacre, Andoniadis, Grandage, Stroop and Cangiano, $15, Bowdoin College Chapel, 5000 South Street, Bowdoin College, Brunswick. FMI: 617-513-9340, www.bowdoin.edu.
June 8, Saturday, 8-10pm, McAuley, Horan & O’Caoimh, long-time Solas members Mick McAuley and Winifred Horan join forces with the amazing Kilkenny-born guitarist Colm O’ Caoimh this summer. Solas has long been heralded as one of the most innovative and exciting bands to emerge on the Irish music scene over the last two decades and have been cited “the best traditional band in the world” by the Boston Herald while the New York Times praised them as “a five-piece of extraordinary instrumental and vocal fire-power”. A dynamic evening is on the horizon, $15/advance, $20/day of show, Opera House at Boothbay Harbor, 86 Townsend Avenue, Boothbay. FMI: 207-633-5159, www.boothbayoperahouse.com.
June 9, Sunday, 2pm, Ron Carroll and Friends, actors and musicians pay tribute to Scott Joplin and Al Jolson, benefits MidCoast Hunger Prevention, $10/advance, $12/door, Brunswick High School, Crooker Theatre, Brunswick. FMI: 207-841-3007, www.brunswick.k12.me.us.
June 12, Wednesday, 10-11am, 1-2pm and 3-4pm, “Charlotte’s Web,” Maine State Music Theatre presents the Theatreworks USA production of Charlotte’s Web. Based on the book by E.B. White, Charlotte’s Web tells the loving story of the friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a little gray spider named Charlotte, the show explores Wilbur’s problem: how to avoid winding up as pork chops! Charlotte, a fine writer and true friend, hits on a plan to fool Farmer Zuckerman – she will create a “miracle.,” $10-14, Pickard Theatre, Bowdoin College, Brunswick. FMI: 207-725-8769, www.bowdoin.edu.

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