Old Fashion Barn Dance at Mahoosuc Mountain Lodge
April 30, 7 p.m. 2nd Annual Jazz Concert presented by the combined jazz bands of Windham High School and Lake Region High School, tentative program includes “Here’s the Rainy Day,” “I’ve Got Plenty of Nothin’,” “Blue Bones,” “Conga,” and much more, free, Lake Region High School Auditorium, 1877 Roosevelt Trail, Naples. FMI: 2o7.647.3581, www.sad61.k12.me.us.
April 30, 7:30 p.m. Duke Robillard, named “Best Blues Guitarist” four times in last ten years, $22/adults, $17/students, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, Bradley Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207.935.9232, www.fryeburgacademy.org.
May 1, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mayfair Craft Show, featuring pottery, jewelry and wood products, Highland Lake Grange, Route 302 and Hardy Road, Westbrook. FMI: 207.809.2212, www.exploringmaine.mainetoday.com.
May 1, 5 p.m. Spring Fling with an Old Fashioned Barn Dance, potluck supper, bring a dish to share, concert and dance with Buttermilk Hill Band, all dances taught, beginners welcome, 50/50 raffle, no alcohol please, $10/person, $5/ages 12 and under, Mahoosuc Mountain Lodge, 1513 Bear River Road, Newry. FMI: 207.824.2073, www.mahoosucmountainlodge.com.
May 1, 6 p.m. Palette, a Silent and Live Auction, delicious appetizers, decadent desserts and delightful drinks to tantalize your palette, $15/person, Fiddlehead Center for the Arts, 25 Shaker Road, Gray. FMI: 207.657.2244, www.fiddleheadcenter.org.
May 1, 8 p.m.-midnight, Standish Sno-Seekers Dance with The Easy-Money-Band, must be 21 years or older to attend, $10/person, The Roost, Chicopee Road, Buxton. FMI: 207.642.2083, www.standishsnoseekers.com.
May 3, 5 p.m. Tales and Mime with performer Antonio Rocha, a native of Brazil, unique solo show of stories and mime, childcare provided for ages 2-4, Guy E. Rowe Elementary School, 219, Main Street, Norway. FMI: 207.743.5183, www.sad17.k12.me.us.