Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 7-13

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 7-13

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 7-13
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 7-13

“Woodcock Walk,” Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, Old Town

May 7, Thursday, 7:30pm, “Listen to Your Mother,” giving motherhood a microphone in 39 cities across the nation, this one night live show features 12 local women telling stories about motherhood and will be hosted by emcee Sarah Smiley, $15, The Gracie Theatre, One College Circle, Bangor. FMI: 207-941-7888, listentoyourmothershow.com/bangor.
May 9, Saturday, 7am-1pm, “Spring Fest,” join in the celebration of International Migratory Bird Day and the arrival of spring, activities will include bird walk, printmaking, birding by ear, children’s activity area, journal making, birding for children and lichen exploration, see site for times and details, Fields Pond Audubon Center, 216 Fields Pond Road, Holden. FMI: 207-989-2591, www.maineaudubon.org.
May 9, Saturday, 8-10am, “Miles for Smiles,” fun run 1 mile, 5K walk or run to raise funds for Oral Health projects thru Healthy Acadia, make a special Mother’s Day weekend – Walk/Run, visit Woodlawn Museum and Seal Cove Auto Museum and explore Acadia National Park, $5/fun run, $15/5K, Dental Associates Parking Lot, 325 Main St., Ellsworth. FMI: 207-367-2631, www.ellsworthamerican.com.
May 9, Saturday, 2pm, “Piano Performances,” featuring 19 students of eight piano teachers as part of the Arlan A. Baillie Steinway Performance Series, composers include Haydn, Beethoven, and Debussy, free, All Souls congregational Church, 10 Broadway, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-7352, www.bangordailynews.com.
May 9, Saturday, 4-6pm, “Ham and Baked Bean Public Dinner,” an old-fashioned all-you-can-eat church supper, menu will include hot dogs, baked ham, two kinds of homemade beans, coleslaw, pickles, brown bread, pies and cakes, $8, free/under 7, Ellingwoods Corner United Methodist Church, 796 Lebanon Rd, Winterport. FMI: 207-269-2092, www.bangordailynews.com.
May 9, Saturday, 7:30pm, “Woodcock Walk,” follow the peent of the Woodcock, the “little lover of the swamps and bogs,” join Daniel McAuley, Research Wildlife Biologist, see the woodcock and watch his dazzling aerial courtship display, bring flashlight and binoculars, dress for the weather, rubber boots or waterproof shoes recommended, call to register, $5, free/school-aged children, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, Gate 1, Route 43, Old Town. FMI: 207-394-2171, www.hirundomaine.org.
May 11, Tuesday, 2:30pm, “Taping of the Nite Show with Danny Cashman – High School Night!” is normally taped and produced by students and faculty of the New England School of Communications, but this special episode is a preview for area high school students who may want to begin a career in broadcasting, this particular show will be taped and produced by high school students, have high school aged guests, musical talent and comedy, free, Gracie Theatre, Husson University, 1 College Circle, Bangor. FMI: 207-941-7888, www.gracietheatre.com.

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