“Car Show,” Wells
Apr. 30, Thursday, 7pm, “Community Open Mic Poetry Night,” Celebrate National Poetry Month, please join us for a low-key, grass roots gathering to share, discuss and listen to poetry. Bring a favorite poem to share, poetry by a local author (perhaps one of your own poems!), new and contemporary, or old and familiar, all are welcome, no registration required, York Public Library, 15 Long Sands, York. FMI: 207-363-2818, www.york.lib.me.us.
May 1, Friday, 12-1pm, “Nature Walk,” naturalist Joosh Fecteu will lead a mid-day walk around Wells Harbor Community Park, bring your favorite nature study tools such as binoculars, notebook, camera, etc, free, Wells Harbor Community Park, 331 Harbor Road, Wells. FMI: 207-646-8181, www.wellslibrary.org.
May 2, Saturday, 9am-2pm, “6th Annual Spring Car Show,” food, music and fun, registration held 8-11am, $5/admission, $10/to show, Messiah Christian Church, 2700 Post Road, Wells. FMI: 207-985-9287, www.messiahchristianchurch.org.
May 3, Sunday, 12-3pm, “Paint Nite Fundraiser,” the Saco Jets Baton Twirlers present a PaintNite fundraiser. Come join us for a great ladies day out. Doors open at noon. We will have a cash bar, vendors and food for purchase. Painting begins at 1:30pm. All proceeds go to the twirlers to help pay for travel expenses for regionals in Kutstown, Penn, $45, Biddeford-Saco Elks Lodge 1597, 68 Ocean Park Road, Saco. FMI: www.paintnite.com/pages/events/view/portland/876795.
May 3, Sunday, 1pm, “Crop Walk,”neighbors walking together to take a stand against hunger in our world, walking in solidarity with people in developing countries who typically walk as many as 6 miles a day to get food, water, fuel and some to take their goods to market, Monies will help fund emergency food, give a hand up in order to prove livestock for subsistence farmers, water filtration systems, housing and many other necessities that we have and take for granted, free, St. George Episcopal Church, 3 Emerson Street, Sanford. FMI: 207-324-8119, www.stgeorgesanford.org.
May 3, Sunday, 2-4pm, “Chocolate Sunday,” 8th Annual Chocolate Sunday Gourmet cakes, other chocolate desserts donated by local businesses, satisfy your chocolate cravings, $9, Parsonsfield Seminary, 504 North Road, Parsonsfield. FMI: 207-793-8825, www.parsonsfieldseminary.org.
May 5, Tuesday, 7pm, “Birds, ‘Birdsongs,’ and Mr. Barry Concert,” audience members will be invited to try their hand at identifying the various taxidermy birds from the early 20th Century in the Museum’s collection. Museum director Cynthia Walker will explain the history of the collection, once owned by Maine naturalist and historian William Barry, Grabin’s “Birdsongs” concert will follow, $8, Brick Store Museum, 117 Main St., Kennebunk. FMI: 207-985-4802, www.brickstoremuseum.org.