“Portland String Quartet,” Saco
Feb. 27, Friday, 6:30pm, “Free Film in Kennebunk: ‘Red Gold’,” winner of the best documentary at the Telluride Film Festival about saving beautiful & pristine Bristol Bay Alaska, dessert and coffee, free, Kennebunk First Parish United Universalist Church, 114 Main St., Kennebunk. FMI: 207-761-5616, www.uukennebunk.org.
Feb. 27, Friday, 7-11pm, “Elements’ 2nd Anniversary Beer Release,” Elements: Books Coffee Beer in Biddeford is celebrating its second anniversary! Eight local breweries are creating one-off batches of beer and handing off brewery-only kegs to celebrate the occasion. Elements will tap special releases from Austin Street Brewery, Banded Horn Brewing Company, Barreled Souls Brewing Company, Bunker Brewing Company, Foundation Brewing Company, Gneiss Brewing Company, Maine Beer Company and Rising Tide Brewing Company. Live music by the Portland-based band Muddy Ruckus will follow at 8:00pm, free, Elements: Books Coffee Beer, 265 Main Street, Biddeford. FMI: 207-710-2011, www.elementsbookscoffeebeer.com.
Feb. 28, Saturday, 10am-2pm, “Ice Skating and Ice Fishing,” get out on the ice for some fishing or skating! An instructor will be available to explain the basics. Bring your own equipment or borrow at the Center, free, The Tree Center, 5 Dunaway Drive, Sanford. FMI: 207-324-7955, www.treecenter.org.
Feb. 28, Saturday, 11am-3pm, “Snow Day at Wells Reserve,” come on up for a free and open day of snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and sledding across hill and dale and 7 miles of trails, it’s snowy fun for the whole family in wintry coastal Maine, with hot cocoa, music, and a bonfire for warming up, we’ll have a limited number of snowshoes available to rent ($5/pair). Bring your own skis, sleds, and snowshoes, we’re organizing 100m and 200m snowshoe sprint races between noon and 2pm, Wells Reserve, 342 Laudholm Farm Road, Wells. FMI: 207-646-1555, www.wellsreserve.org.
Feb. 28, Saturday, 5-7pm, “Turkey Dinner,” turkey dinner complete with roasted turkey, homemade gravy, real mashed potatoes, Pepperidge Farm stuffing, fresh baked rolls for Congdons and delicious desserts, proceeds to benefit the Wells high school music program, sponsored by the music boosters, $10/adults, $8/seniors, $6/children, St. Mary’s Church, 236 Eldridge Rd, Wells. FMI: 207-646-7011, whs.k12wocsd.net.
Feb. 28, Saturday, 7-9pm, “Kevin Farley – Author Talk,” Kevin Farley, local musician, – the Irish Music Guy, – and now author, will speak about his memoir, “Out of the Woods,” with his daughter Kendyll Farley, one summer, Kevin, a widower, took his then six-year-old daughter to see a summer production of “Into the Woods,” the Broadway musical by Stephen Sondheim, thinking it appropriate for children, a musical about fairy tales but dark and scary, seeing the show opens the floodgates to almost seven years of unresolved grief for both of them. “Out of the Woods: A True Story” is about the power of music, theatre and storytelling to cast light into dark corners, and show how true, life-changing catharsis can happen, free, York Public Library, 15 Long Sands Road, York. FMI: 207-363-2818, www.york.lib.me.us.
March 3, Tuesday, 6-7:30pm, “Portland String Quartet,” enjoy the music and the knowledge that these experienced professionals bring to your understanding and enjoyment of the different periods of music history, Q & A will surely add provocative opinion and a special cheer that is typical of PSQ presentations, free, Dyer Library/Saco Museum 371 Main St., Saco. FMI: 207-283-3861, www.dyerlibrarysacomuseum.org.