“Moonlight Golden Chariot Ride,” Kennebunkport
Dec. 4 – 7, 5-7pm/Thurs., 10am-7pm/Fri., 10am-6pm/Sat., 10am-4pm/Sun., “MaineWomen in the Arts Annual Prelude Fine Art & Crafts Show,” local talented artists display fine arts and crafts for sale, Sunday includes raffle basket, Masonic Lodge, Temple Street, Near Post Office, Kennebunkport. FMI: 207-985-4802, www.mainewomenarts.com.
Dec. 5, Friday, 5pm, “Moonlight Golden Chariot Ride & Cocktail Party,” a ride in the Museum’s most beautiful open car through the wintry Maine Woods, this sight-seeing car , known as the Golden Chariot, operated in Montreal from 1906 to 1963 , inspiring the signature cocktails following the ride, bundle up, $25 per person includes ride; two cocktails, wine, or beer; and appetizers, Seashore Trolley Museum, 195 Log Cabin Road, Kennebunkport. FMI: 207-967-2800, ext. 101,www.trolleymuseum.org.
Dec. 5 – 7, Friday – Sunday, 12-8pm/Fri., 10am-4pm/Sat., 12-4pm/Sun., “10th Annual Festival of Trees,” join us for holiday cheer and decorations at the Saco Museum, purchase raffle tickets to win trees, wreaths, gifts certificates and more, bring the whole family and everyone you know to support the Dyer Library Saco Museum during our biggest fundraiser of the year, festival of Trees is a free event/ exhibit with raffle opportunities and events throughout December, free event, Dyer Library and Saco Museum, 371 Main Street, Saco. FMI: 207-283-3861, www.dyerlibrarysacomuseum.org.
Dec. 6, Saturday, 3-7:30pm, “Art is Community V,” sponsored by the Saco River Art League, this popular, annual, juried show and sale of regional art and fine crafts, includes paintings, sculptures, donations appreciated but not required, Saco River Theatre, 29 Salmon Falls, Bar Mills. FMI: 207-929-6472, www.sacorivertheatre.org.
Dec. 6, Saturday, 10-11am, “Polar Express Morning,” parents and children are invited to wear their pajamas to the Museum for a special visit from the Conductor to read “The Polar Express!” Enjoy hot chocolate and stay at the Museum to create a holiday craft, $10 family admission to the museum, Brick Store Museum, 117 Main Street, Kennebunk. FMI: 207-985-4802, www.brickstoremuseum.org.
Dec. 6-7, Saturday – Sunday, 10-4pm, “Blacksmithing: Make A Coat Rack Project,” this class will provide some of the basics of blacksmithing, heat, cut and shape metal to form your own punch, drift to use for this project, use tool to create composite piece that includes hooks riveted to an ornately fashioned plate suitable for wall hanging, call to reserve spot in class, 19th Century Willowbrook Village, 70 Elm Street, Newfield. FMI: 207-793-2784, www.willowbrookmuseum.org.
Dec. 10, Wednesday, 12pm, “Flared Ring Jewelry Party,” learn to hammer and forge as you design and create this one of a kind gift with Alice Carroll, $30 per person or 2 for $50, registration ends Monday prior to class, River Tree Arts, 35 Western Ave., Kennebunk. FMI: 207-967-9120, www.rivertreearts.org.