“Annual Artober Fest,” Gorham
Oct. 23 -26, Thursday – Sunday, 7pm/Thurs, 8pm/Fri. and Sat, “Mahoosuc Arts Performing Arts Series,” a celebration of Native Arts will culminate Oct. 23 with a rare exhibit of fine Micmac basketry of Richard Silliboy and the Nativemusic and dance the Burnurwurbskek Drummers and Dancers, $15, Gould Academy, 45 Church Street, Bethel. FMI: 207-890-6386, www.mahoosucarts.org.
Oct. 23, Thursday, 8pm, “Brett Dennen Presents Water Colors,” five years ago, Brett Dennen was a camp counselor who played guitar, wrote songs and performed fireside, with a self-made album, he began playing coffee shops along the West Coast and a devoted following formed, a modest independent record deal led first to his 2006 break-through album, So Much More, then to the attention of music critics, programmers and established artists, though his once intimate audience has grown substantially, Brett remains the folky, soulful, witty and insightful artist that first captured hearts in California coffee houses, noting his success, Rolling Stone Magazine named Brett one of the “10 Artists To Watch in 2008,” $40 pp, $4 handling fee, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.
Oct. 24 and 25, Friday and Saturday, 6-9pm/Fri, 9am-2pm/Sat, “Annual Artober Fest,” formerly known as Gorham Art Fair, sponsored by the Gorham Art Alliance, a juried event featuring handcrafted jewelry, pottery and stained glass, handwoven baskets, pressed flowers, quilted items and more, free to browse, Shaw Gym, 75 South Street, Gorham. FMI: 207-318-0584, www.gorhamartsalliance.org.
October 24-26, Friday-Sunday, 7pm/doors open, “Halls of Horror,” Standish Schoolhouse opens its doors to provide a frightful event, come explore the creepy corridors and be deliciously terrified, $10, Standish Schoolhouse Arts Center, 16 Richville Road, Standish. FMI: 207-642-3743, www.schoolhousearts.org.
Oct. 25, Saturday, 2-8pm, “Harvest Festival with Halloween Woods Walk,” put on your Halloween costume and join us for an afternoon full of farm and harvest activities, $5, Pineland Farms, 15 Farm View Drive, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-650-3031, www.pinelandfarms.org.
Oct. 25, Saturday, 7-8:30pm, “The Hyssongs Coming to Bridgton First Church,” Dell, Susan and Richard Hyssong travel full-time as the award-winning Hyssongs, their energetic family ministry combines family vocal harmony, humor and brass instruments (trumpet and trombone) to delight audiences with their Christ-centered message, shared through the powerful medium of music, the family’s classical music background, along with the family’s harmony and specific chord structures, lend them a unique sound that has made quite an impact on audiences, suggested donation of $10, The First Congregational Church – UCC of Bridgton, 33 South High Street, Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-3936, www.bridgtonucc.org.