Out and About in the Greater Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine August 20 to 26

Out and About in the York County and Sanford Lakes Region of Maine, August 20 to 26
Out and About in the York County and Sanford Lakes Region of Maine, August 20 to 26
August 20, 2009
Out and About in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine August 20 to 26
August 20, 2009

Out and About in the Greater Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine August 20 to 26

August 20-22, all day, Skowhegan State Fair, family event including midway, animal exhibits, crafts, commercial exhibits, flower show, animal pulling and harness racing, Skowhegan Fair Grounds, Route 201 North, Skowhegan. FMI: 207.474.2947 or www.skowheganstatefair.com
August 20, 7-8:30 p.m. “Historical Archaeology of 19th Century Rural Maine,” lecture by Peter Morrison of Crane and Morrison Archaeology in Freeport, Union Church, Route 27, Belgrade. FMI: 207.495.6039 or www.belgradelakes.org, 207.495.3599 or www.gbgm-umc.org/maine-belgradelakes
August 20-22, 7 p.m.-midnight  Frantasia Festival of Out Music and Arts, experimental/improvisational music and arts, donations $7/$5, Murray Hall, 69 Main Street, Livermore Falls. FMI: 207.897.6158 or www.franklincountymaine.org
August 21, 2 p.m. “The Wind in the Willows,” by Kenneth Grahame, a timeless children’s tale, $12/ adults & seniors, $9/children, Theater at Monmouth, 796 Main Street, Monmouth. FMI: 207.933.9999 or www.theateratmonmouth.org
August 21, 9 a.m. -4 p.m. Sierra Kristen Photography Studio Grand Opening, The Wentworth Event Center, Suite 104, 139 Searsport Avenue, Belfast                               FMI: http://sierrakphotography.com
August 22, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Skowhegan Farmers’ Market, includes live music and a children’s area, Old Grange Hall, Skowhegan Savings Bank Parking Lot, Skowhegan
FMI: 207.474.3621, 888.772.4392 or www.skowheganchamber.com
August 23, 10 a.m – 6 p.m The Maine Renaissance Faire at Castle Treasure, featuring historic reenactments, sword-swallowing, fire-eating, comedy shows, games, musical entertainment and jousting, prices vary, Castle Treasure, 238 Prescott Road, Manchester
FMI: 207.623.1152 or www.mainerenfaire.com
August 25, 6 p.m  Wishing Well Farm Walk, informative and easy nature walk with Warren Balgooyen on his farm. Call for directions and to reserve space, Norridgewock.
FMI: 207.495.6039 or www.belgradelakes.org
August 26,  noon-1 p.m The Maine Squeeze, a six-person accordian band will take you around the world with their international repertoire of tunes, Johnson Hall Performing Arts Center, 280 Water Street, Gardiner. FMI: 207.582.7144 or www.johnsonhall.org

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