Out and About in the York County and Sanford Lakes Region of Maine, August 20 to 26

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August 18, 2009
Out and About in the Greater Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine August 20 to 26
August 20, 2009

Out and About in the York County and Sanford Lakes Region of Maine, August 20 to 26

Out and About in the York County and Sanford Lakes Region of Maine, August 20 to 26
Out and About in the York County and Sanford Lakes Region of Maine, August 20 to 26

August 20, 10 a.m. -6 p.m. 36th Annual Sidewalk Art Show, downtown Ogunquit. (rain date-August 21). FMI: www.ogunquit.org
August 20, 8 p.m. “Almost Maine,” an enchanting midwinter night’s dream filled with love, laughter and hope, prices vary, Arundel Barn Playhouse, 53 Old Post Road, Arundel.
FMI: 207.985.5552 or www.arundelbarnplayhouse.com
August 21, 5 -7 p.m. Mama Mia’s Pasta and Pizza Public Dinner, benefit for the Free Meals Kitchens of the York County Shelter Programs, Inc., $8/adults, $4/children ages 3-11, Dining Commons, next to Bakery at Notre Dame, Shaker Hill Road, Alfred.
FMI: 207.324.1137 or www.yorkcountyshelterprograms.org
August 21, 8 p.m. “The Producers,” based on Mel Brooks’s zany story of two theatrical producers looking to get rich quick on Broadway, Hackmatack Playhouse, 538 School Street (Route 9), Berwick. FMI: 207.698.1807 or www.hackmatack.org
August 22, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. “Disney’s Aladdin Jr,” featuring the Ogunquit Playhouse “Junior Players!” prices vary, Ogunquit Playhouse, 10 Main Street, Ogunquit.
FMI: 207.646.5511
August 22, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Antique Appraisal Day with Hap Moore of York and Lee Horowitz of Fitchburg, MA, cost-$5/item with three-item limit, $30 for a 15-minute consult with Lee Horowitz, Parish Hall, First Congregational Church, Route 103, Kittery Point. FMI: 207.439.2878 or www.kitterypointucc.org
August 22, 11 a.m. -4 p.m. Annual Auction by Sea Strokes of Maine Decorative Painters, silent auction and lunch to preceed live auction, all proceeds will benefit the Memory Box program, admission free, $5/lunch, Grace Bible Church, 74 Deering Road, Gorham. FMI: 207.783.4875 or http://thegracebiblechurch.com
August 22-23, 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. Election Rally for Abraham Lincoln, members of the Liberty Rifles, a Civil War reenactment group, will present a historical interpretation of an 1860s election rally in support of Abraham Lincoln for President, state park admission, Fort McClary, Pepperell Road, Kittery Point. FMI: 207.439.3479 or www.fortmcclary.org
August 23, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Jazz Service and Brunch with Tom Stites and Howard Stone, musicians from Blueberry Jam, Sanford UU Church, 5 Lebanon Street, Sanford.
FMI: 207.324.3191 or www.sanforduuchurch.org
August 23, 7-9 p.m. “I’ve Loved You So Long,” Summer Film Festival, a gripping drama of forgiveness, healing and courage in French with subtitles, rated PG-13, York Public Library, 15 Long Sands Road, York. FMI: 207.363.2818 or www.york.lib.me.us
August 23, 8 p.m. “ICONS, A Salute to Las Vegas Old and New,” an upbeat and sparkling revue by David McBride and Debra Hampton, Jonathan’s Restaurant, 92 Bourne Lane, Ogunquit. FMI: 207.646.4777 or www.jonathansrestaurant.com

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