“The Moose in Me, The Moose in You,” South Berwick Library
May 3, Friday, 7:30pm, Debbie Davies Band, ranked among the top Blues artists in the country, Debbie Davies is an award-winning singer, songwriter, guitar player of extraordinary talent, $20/adults, $18/seniors and students,
Saco River Theatre, 29 Salmon Falls Road, Buxton. FMI: 207-929-6472, www.sacorivergrangehall.org.
May 4, Saturday, 8am-8pm, Kennebunk May Day Festival, a fun day with full-day family-friendly activities throughout Downtown Kennebunk, events include pancake breakfast at Duffy’s Tavern and Grill, faerie garden planting at the Kennebunk Free Library, book sale, artists and craftspeople, May Pole dancing at Lafayette Park, face painting, pottery wheel demonstrations and more, whole downtown area, Kennebunk. FMI: 207-985-6009, www.kennebunkmaine.us.
May 4, Saturday, 5:30-9:30pm, Murder Mystery Dinner, get transported back to the Roaring 20’s for a rousing Mobster Murder Mystery, the dinner is being helad at North Dam Mill, people are encouraged to park at the Saco Train Station and take the free trolley to the mill, in addition to dinner there will be a silent auction, purchase tickets at Saco Spirit office, Hampton In Saco, Saco Frame Center, Saco Biddeford Savings Bank, $45, North Dam Mill, 2 Main Street, Biddeford. FMI: 207-286-3546, www.northdammillevents.com.
May 4, Saturday, 7-10pm, Seaglass Chorale Spring Concert: Bernstein and Sondheim on Broadway, POPs concert featuring Berstein’s and Sondheim’s music from shows like West Side Story, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and Sweeny Todd, $15, $12/seniors and advance adult tickets, Kennebunk Town Hall, 1 Summer Street, Kennebunk. FMI: 207-985-8747, www.seaglassperformingarts.org.
May 4, Saturday, 7:30pm, “The Moose in Me, The Moose in You,” funny one-woman show with Sarah Poulin’s character Ida LeClair, benefits South Berwick Library, $20/advance, $25/door, South Berwick Library, 27 Young Street, South Berwick. FMI: 207-384-3308, www.friendsofsouthberwicklibrary.org.
May 4, Saturday, 8pm, Ghost Hunter Dinner with Chris Sanders of Supernatural P.I, founder Head Investigator of Maine’s Supernatural P.I., come and see what it is like to be a ghost hunter, see how to use some of the top gear in ghost hunting and try out the gear for yourself, a night of chills, $35/door, Maine Street Grill, 1 Ossipee Trail East, Standish. FMI: 207-317-1426, www.mainestreetgrill.com.
May 5, Sunday, 2-4pm, Chocolate Sunday, gourmet cakes, chocolate specials, chocolate-covered fruit, beverages and sundaes, benefits Par Sem restoration fund, $8, Parsonsfield Seminary, 504 North Road, Parsonsfield. FMI: 207-793-8825, www.parsonsfieldseminary.org.