“All Together Now!” A Tribute to the Beatles at Jonathan’s in Ogunquit
April 12-14, Friday-Sunday, times vary, 23rd Annual Patriots Day Celebration, with historical characters walking the streets, musterings, and fife & drum concerts, re-enactments, cookout, taste-tests, and craft fair, Route 1, Ogunquit. FMI: 207.646.2939, www.ogunquit.org.
April 13, Saturday, 9pm, All Together Now Beatles Tribute Band, celebrating Beatles music in an interactive way that gets everyone singing, dancing, clapping and having a great time, prices vary, Jonathan’s Restaurant, 92 Bourne Lane, Ogunquit. FMI: 207.646.4777, www.jonathansrestaurant.com.
April 13, Saturday, 10am-4pm, One-Day Booksale, featuring the entire back-stock of donations and discards, with good selections in every category: fiction, non-fiction, and children’s books, Louis B. Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street, Sanford. FMI: 207.324.4714, www.lbgoodall.org.
April 13, Saturday, 8pm, Spring Fling Adult Dance, featuring music of the ’50s to ’70s with DJ Dick Fredette, casual dress, free popcorn, cash bar, 50/50 raffle, bring your own snacks. $10/person, Nasson Community Center, 457 Main Street, Springvale. FMI: 207.324.5657, www.nassoncc.org.
April 14, Sunday, 11am-1pm, Adoptable Dogs, visit with some adoptable canines, Sanford Pet Life, 1364 Main Street, Sanford. FMI: 207.985.3244, www.animalwelfaresociety.org.
April 16, Tuesday, 7-8pm, Snowy Owls to Saw-whet Owls, presented by naturalist Norman Smith, who has spent countless days and nights over several decades, in every imaginable weather condition, observing, capturing, banding and color marking Snowy Owls and collecting data on roosting, hunting and behavior while the owls are on their wintering grounds, Mather Auditorium, Wells Reserve & Laudholm Turst, 342 Laudholm Farm Road, Wells. FMI: 207.646.1555, www.wellsreserve.org.
April 17, Wednesday, noon-4pm, Celebrate Student Art: RSU 23 Art Show, featuring 2000 works of art created by local elementary through high school students. $5/adults; $3/seniors; $2/7-18 years old; free/ages 6 and under, Saco Museum, 371 Main Street, Saco. FMI: 207.283.3861, www.sacomuseum.org.